Friday, January 20, 2012


 We had a little snow this morning...
 Jill and I were finished with chores by 8:30.
 The sun was nowhere to be found, so the hay went under the shed roof.  No solar heat in sight.
 Before Jill went home....
 I made her a black bean plate to go...hope she liked it!
 Then I had some fresh fruit with yogurt and granola.
 Pretty grey out there.
 Every morning, Sidney eventually comes up to the house for breakfast.  Sometimes he spends most of the day sleeping on the chair by my computer.  Still won't go in the basement at night.  Yesterday I made him an igloo in the hay loft, and tonight I set up another place for him in the feed room.  Hard to keep water available in this weather when he is too stubborn to go where it is warm.  Whenever I do chores he gets a bowl of warm water.
 Of course Seymour, Sophie and Lily hang out in the house off and on during the day.

At 1:30 I went to the bank and then had an appointment with the massage therapist.  My back has been bugging me for over 6 weeks...pulled something and made it worse sitting in front of this computer.
I made sure she used the hot stones.

Stopped at Country Max for some Safe Choice on the way home.

Shoveled most of the driveway and then vegged for an hour before I went out to do evening chores.

 Tucked those babies in and had leftover burritos for dinner.  Yum.
Night all.

PS - I still can't leave comments on some of the blogs I follow.  Today it was the "Smushies."


  1. blogspot has some big problems, I sometimes cannot comment, cannot close my own blog, cannot open others, I have started a new site at wordpress, and if it goes OK will transfer my title over there. I do my posts in Live Writer and send the draft to my blogspot site.
    But this trouble seems to be everywhere.Hope your days will soon be warmer, and sunshine will be there every day. Cheers from Jean in NZ

  2. Would you send me a black bean plate too? I swear we love the same food -- granola, fresh berries, yogurt or in oatmeal. The best.
    I hope your massage helped. ...maybe you should say not even if it did, hot stone massage is my favorite. I rarely get a massage -- just on vacation, usually. I don't envy you your tweaked back, but I do envy your massage.

  3. My back is bothering me too! I've been doing some QiGong exercises - I got a great DVD for Christmas - and they really are helping me. Was that a bucket of D Carb Balance in that first photo? I love that stuff - it's helped Siete so much! We're snowed in for the moment, and I confess that I'm enjoying it. Your black beans inspire me to open a can and make burritos for lunch. That plate looks delicious!

  4. Maybe shoveling that drive has something to do with your backache, mm? I'm working, working, working down here in NC. Nice to be able to walk outside w/ just a sweater. Stay warm.


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