Friday, January 27, 2012


Woke up to a foggy morning.

 Jill and Chester were helping with chores.

 Another dull and rainy day.
 One more bird hatched this morning with three more on the way.

This is the new one.  Maybe I should give these birds names.....
My afternoon was not too exciting....lunch, laundry....

Out to do evening chores at 5:15.  The girls blankets were a wreck, so I took them off for the night and put on some others.

 Hurried so I could get in for a quick shower.
Meeting friends at Stephen's Loft for dinner.

 We were seated at Tina and Roger's table....ha ha.

 All had salads and my pictures were blurry.
 Two of us had stuffed pork loin with a dijon and raisin sauce.
 Christine had the Vegetable Stack.
 Gary had Chicken Cordon Blue....Steve sure knows how to make some spectacular sauces.
 No room for dessert.  (All homemade by Steve).
 Afterward we went over to Bill's to play a quick game of Bananagrams.  Never heard of it.
 It's a word game...kind of like scrabble.
 Had to look up some words in the dictionary to make sure they were legit.
Home by 9:30.
Night all.


  1. All that food looks so good. Wiped out after this week with no energy to even cook and I'm starving. I'd go out to eat if it was -40*. Starting to think your rain isn't such a bad thing after all.

  2. I'm looking up that game word games. AND really like the fog pictures...those flowers are absolutely gorgeous. Lori, you are blessed with such a beautiful world..have a great w/e!

  3. Bananagrams - ho! They can be addictive. Esp. nice to play on a granite countertop - nice click of tiles on a smooth surface.

  4. Oh, Lori, I so love reading about your life. And the pictures of the fog were just beautiful.


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