Tuesday, January 31, 2012


 When the sun came up, there was still snow on the ground.

 The temperature was approaching the mid thirties by the time I went out to the barn.

 Jill was there right on time.

 Chester and Sidney were just getting to know each other.
 By 8:30, it was time for the girls to get naked.

 We finished chores in no time and I spent awhile on the driveway.  I don't know why I bothered, as it warmed up quickly and the little snow we got last night was disappearing.
 At 9 this morning, the fourth bird was ready to hatch.
 By 11 it appeared.  I'm calling this one "Aloha."  There may be two more on the way.

Class started at 1:30 with the Phoebe/Gucci treat ceremony.

 Time passed very quickly.
 So where did all the snow go?
 When I went out to do the evening chores, decided not to put blankets on the girls, as the temperature went up to 52 today and was supposed to stay near 50 all night.

 Goodnight ladies!

In the house and managed a quick shower before Jill and Ralph arrived for our special dinner.
 I made the salad.....mixed greens, onion,  kiwi, blueberries, craisins, dried appricots, toasted pecans and crumbly blue.
 Jill brought a cheezy/vegetable soup.  Potatoes, celery, carrots, peppers and tomatoes.  Outstanding!
 She also made the main course.  Mushroom Bourguignon!!!  Believe me, it tasted even better than it looked.  One of the best vegetarian dishes ever.

 I made a chocolate cream pie that was lined with sliced bananas and topped with fresh whipped cream.
 A great meal....with good friends.
Night all.


  1. First...that pie...YUM! It has been so warm this winter...my garlic is starting to pop up. I can't say that I have not enjoyed this warm weather, but I do miss the snow. Have a great day!

  2. Fickle weather... we're slated for rain/snow this weekend.

  3. I love the clean/dirty blanket line on Abbe. And, the dinner looks fab - I can't decide which course looks best. I'm a sucker for a good salad and yours looks excellent -- but the soup, bourignon and dessert look yummy too. I guess I'll just take some of each.
    The Birds of Paradise remind me of my grandfather. He had a couple huge plants in his yard. When he was dying, we would gather bunches of birds to put in his room. So, they are a bittersweet flower for me.

  4. When I was a child, in the fifties, my mother and us (the children),we were vegetarian. She cooked special meals without meat. For instance, a pie without meat with bread, onion and spices.

  5. First looking at the food on your blog makes me hungry!

    We've had some of this strange weather right now...
    My hound puppies are outside in front to the south side of the house playing in green grass and chasing sticks.

  6. So great to see the bird of paradise blooming...gorgeous flower...snow in the am and none in the pm...I can handle that. The mushroom dish looks great...I love them and I like veg. dishes. What are you doing to us with that dessert...oh my!

  7. Elenka has a wonderful recipe for a Mushroom Bourguignon too. mmmmmmmm Don't like the green grass WAIT a day or so hahahaha.

  8. I think I'm just gonna roll over and die looking at that yum food . . . mmm. Great sky pics, and Sidney in the tree, and the 'ladies' and the new Aloha - nice treats to see this evening. xx

  9. SO much beauty! Thank you for sharing the treasure of life, friend

    Warm Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


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