Monday, January 9, 2012


In Western New York we are still having non winter weather.  Woke up to a gorgeous sunrise and mild temperatures.

Jill helped with chores and I did a little more pasture picking.

After morning chores I worked around the house before going down to Wegmans for a few things.   The pups and I went to the car wash and the minutes got stuck so it was double time and I was able to do a real number on it.
We were invited over to Christina's World for dinner...(nice surprise)
 so I hurried through evening chores....
 I swear, Belle is in a Piggie contest.

 Tucked them in, took a nice hot shower...and we were on our way.
 Of course DJ was there!

 Roger loves to cook and he prepared the dinner tonight.
 We had a beautiful salad....
 and an outrageous German dinner.
 Pork loin topped with Roger's scrumptious sauce, German Potato salad and red cabbage.  I'm a real sweet and sour freak and this was really special.
 After dinner we went down to their home theater to watch a brief 1/2 hour show from a series they have been watching....then it was upstairs for pumpkin pie.
I love these spontaneous invitations and sure do appreciate fine home cooking.
Night all.


  1. My goodness-does DJ aka Fabio ever have a hair out of place? He is so stunning! Christina's World is simply beautiful always. Glad you had a nice night! Hugs to the ponies and puppies and kitties,

  2. Work all done, mild weather, all family members tucked in for the night, and a scrummy dinner all cooked!! What a wonderful day. Cheers from Jean

  3. Hi ! Happy New Years best to you!
    Love the angle on those fab barn shots. Ponies resemble our mud piglike -ponies ,here in Oregon. It's that time if year...think the blankets make em itchy.

    I was so pleased to see the neat Christmas trees up still!!
    What a lovely day into night..Yums for dinner too. I almost bought another Pumpkin pie yesterday...think I'll make one instead.

    Glad it's mild for you. We have had lots of frozen fog.

  4. I heard someone say today that winter is still going to come -- just late -- like the end of January and February. That dinner looked awesome. I love sweet and sour too. Yum!

  5. I like it here. deeply

    Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


  6. What a wonderful dinner surprise. Can't pass up opportunities like that....and you are always generous with your invitations.

    I sure could handle your weather right now. It's been -20 to -40 for weeks on end now. Getting very tired of being cold.

  7. Fawlty Towers. Tim loves it. I must not "get it".

  8. You social butterflies, you! I looks a scrumptious meal, and it is nice, especially at this time of year somehow, to relax over food with friends.

  9. Dear Lori,
    Your blog always--ALWAYS--brings back memories to me of the two horses who were part of my childhood and the hay in the loft and the metal roof on the barn and the sun rising over the honey locust tree.

    And almost always your words and photographs make my stomach rumble in hunger! Thank you.


  10. That's my kind of dining! Belle is just trying to keep up with Abbe. Ha ha.. Looks like the weather here is going to change for a few days. Supposed to get snow over the weekend. We will see...

  11. What spectacular sky shots you got - those with the green light/sun especially! Very cool!


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