Wednesday, December 7, 2011


 So why don't we get a few more inches of rain?
 Tried feeding all four horses under the shed roof and it was a bomb.
 Once again Romeo went after Abbe and he was put back in his own run-in/pasture.
 Sidney was not too bothered by the mess.

 Hurried back to the house and took a quick shower as after our rehearsal this morning, the chorus had a performance.  And let me tell you, we need more time learning the music.  Not our best performance (although we got better with each piece).

 Home by 1.
 Check it out....a new bird of paradise is on the way.
 Put on some sweats, started a fire and spent time on the phone with a friend. 
So nice to catch up.
 Almost forgot that I had an Art & Aesthetics meeting at 3.
 Back to Brockport....met at Alicia's beautiful home.
 It was getting uglier and uglier out....dark so early.
 Tucked those ponies in and back to Brockport for the third time today.  Dinner at Jenny's.
 Finn and Coop picked out the lights and decorated their Christmas Tree by themselves.
 She also had a fire going.
 Jen made us just what the doctor ordered.

 One fabulous salad.
 Gar worked on a couple of things that needed to be repaired, then we had dessert.
The boys both had some math homework.

 When we left, I caught a couple shots of the neighborhood lit up.

 I'll have a good time playing with the lights during the next few weeks.
Night all.


  1. All the muck must be tiring. I'm not a big fan of rain/mud. The lights are beautiful. Reminds me that I should take the kids out to see lights. Wonder if I can keep them from arguing in the car? :) You sure had a busy day. Makes me feel so lazy.

  2. Shiny eyes
    Christmas beauty
    Family close
    good food and even a Bird of paradise!

    so strange to see it there :-)

    Aloha from Waikiki

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


    < ° ) } } > <

  3. Romeo! What's up with that bad behavior, bud? Be a gentleman.

    The chorus looks mighty festive.

  4. Love that shot of Jen in the kitchen laughing with the kids. Your arena... man what a mess!!

  5. What is the problem with it girls, food? I have so much to learn about horses!

    Beautiful flowers, lovely family, and yummy dinner.

  6. Busy, busy, as usual, I see, and so is Jen - what a beautiful daughter. Am going to enjoy your playing w/the xmas lights in the days ahead. . . And p. s. yes, we've had rain rain rain rain rain. Last night: tiny bit of snow.

  7. Love that last Christmas tree. How did you do that?


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