Thursday, December 15, 2011


 A mild, muddy morning.
 It rained last night and more was on the way.
 Mid December and green grass.

Hurried through chores as I had to be in Rochester by 10:45 to have a procedure on my right arm.
  About 10 days ago I had a biopsy done on a growth that appeared about 6 weeks ago and today the rest of it was removed.  No stall cleaning for a week or more.  Can't lift anything heavier than a gallon of milk.  Hopefully that is that....

Gary drove me in and afterward we went to the Rochester Public Market.  Of course it had to be raining.

 It was almost time for it to close, so we went from one end to the other and bought everything on the trip back.  Hurry.  Hurry.  No time to take pictures.  Picked up tomatoes, cabbage, scallions, lemons, oranges, carrots for the horses, an avacado, yellow and orange peppers, banana peppers, pears...

Then we went over to my new favorite bakery.
Bought 4 loaves of crusty bread...(for Jill, Jenny, Sally and us).  $1.50 each.  Off the day old rack we found a round loaf of multi grain for a buck.
Love this place.
 Had a bite to eat and Gary had a coffee.

 Bought 4 big Danishes for $2.
 Next stop was the Cheese Shop....classic.
 Can you believe it....these snapdragons were still surviving.
 Got home and set up baskets for Sally and Jill.

 Sally stopped up for some tea, her goodies and a piece of apple pie   That's the end of it.  We gabbed until Jill got here to do evening chores.  I went out to help get the horses where they belonged.  The ponies were soaked and the paddock was ready for mud wrestling.  The temperature was in the high 50s today.
 Of course the cats and dogs had to join me so they could get their feet all dirty.
 Gary went down to the Alumni House for a social event and at 6 I joined Jenny and the stock club I used to belong to for dinner.  You know where....

 I won't be able to remember everything we ordered, but I will do my best.
 We all had a salad with the house dressing....
 Chicken Parm...
 Cornmeal Encrusted Grouper with a tomato shrimp salsa...
 Pork Chop with a molasses/cumin glaze on mashed potatoes with a cranberry relish...
 Crab cakes...
 3 cheese calzones with veggies...etc. etc. etc.  All were delish.
 Dessert?  Are you kidding?

 Home by 8.  Rebuilt the fire....and now I can hardly keep my eyes open.
Night all.

PS...thanks for all your caring comments for Azriel.


  1. wrap yourself in the beauty and refuse to let it bring you down.

    Fond Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


    < ° ) } } > <

  2. Wait, so you had the procedure on your arm and then you went and did all that other stuff? You didn't come home and dive under the covers for a long nap? What vitamins are you on?

  3. The song playing is perfect.
    Brett has melanoma - he has to be checked and scraped every three to six months. He's got a growth they are taking off next week -- same thing: took a little for biopsy, called and said come back in for full removal. sigh.

  4. Once again, beautiful plates. As it's almost time to lunch, it's a good thing they make me hungry.
    I was very interested in the bakery visit. The breads look like ours.
    See you soon

  5. I hope all is well.

    What a wonderful bakery! I can almost smell the fresh bread. yummy!!

    I adore snapdragons. I'm glad they're still around for you.

  6. I hope all is well.

    What a wonderful bakery! I can almost smell the fresh bread. yummy!!

    I adore snapdragons. I'm glad they're still around for you.

  7. I hope your arm heals quickly! That food looks divine!


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