Friday, December 9, 2011


Well, well, well....woke up to snow this morning.
Chores as usual.  Jodi stopped in to see Romeo and helped me with a few things before she went for a ride.

 There he is with all the girls.
 Gucci and Phoebe didn't last very long and asked to be put in early.
 It was another one of those grey days.
 This afternoon I went in to get a cortisone shot in my knee.  Not kidding!  I'm falling apart this month!
On the way home I drove through the village and could not resist getting out of the car to take a shot of Arjuna Florist.
 What an inviting shop.

 It was only 4:15 and it was starting to get dark.
 Got home in time to change my clothes and do chores.
 Dinner was "every man for himself."  Earlier today I made a jar of fresh cucumber pickles...other than that, I was useless.
 We finished up the potato/leek soup and had sandwiches.
I'm going to put some ice on my knee over near the fire, while I lounge on the couch.
Night all.


  1. BOL every buddys got green coats on
    Benny & Lily

  2. fun for me to see the winter!

    Aloha from Waikiki

    Comfort Spiral

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    < ° ) } } > <

  3. Lounging on the couch is good! :) I wonder if your snow is going to last?

  4. Good boy, Romeo.
    Sorry about the knee Lori. My hip is bugging me this winter.

  5. Hey, you useless girl! Hope your knee mends quickly, but meanwhile it gives you an excuse to take a breather, mm?


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