Monday, December 12, 2011


Thank heavens I started feeling better this morning.  Got in bed a 9 last night and slept like a rock from 11-6am.  That's good for me.
 Very cold last night but today was splendiferous.

 That clear, fresh air got my brain back in gear.
 By 8:30... anywhere the sun hit...the snow melted.
 This is the first day I let Romeo stay with the girls.  Hopefully all the nonsense if over.  He sticks with Belle and Berlin hangs out with Abbe.

 We had a lunch planned for 11 of us (at Stephen's loft...yes, they do not want it spelled Steven's) and ended up with 8.  No matter, we had a great time.  Unfortunately the light would not allow me to get great photos.
 Except for the food....of course.
 2 ordered the open faced prime rib sandwich with mushrooms....
 Roger had the shrimp salad special....
 Gary had this ham/turkey club.  (Looks like one you would get at a Deli in New York).
 Christmas Carol had a BBQued prime rib sandwich.
 The other Carol had a cob salad...
 Topper had a Reuben...and I forgot to photograph my own lunch.  A Blue Cheese Burger.  Just what I needed to make a comeback.

We were all way too full for dessert.
 Here's a special message to Ruth (in Florida).  Are you there Ruth?????
 Spoke to Chef Steve in the kitchen....
 Then he came out and sat with us for a few minutes.  We are all very happy for him and Sandy as they have gotten off to a great start with this new venture.  But!  success is hell!  They are so busy!!! and need to find another cook for evenings.  Got any ideas?
 On the way to the car, we stopped at the Lift Bridge Book Store to pick up Gary's Buffalo News.  Someone had been sent flowers!
 I had to check out the Sharon Creech section!  If I keep showing this to her, she might come up for a visit!  Need a book for one of your grandchildren?
 Last year at this time we had had 2 feet of snow.  This year, not even two inches.

 While I was on a roll I decided to make another one of those apple pies.

( Lily was in the house all afternoon).

 Gucci took up her spot on the chair in the living room....late afternoon.
 There's that beautiful light again.
 Our friend Jerry dropped off a sample of hay for me...Barb and I both need more to get through the winter.  We are going to get 100 bales one of these days.
 So, the pie turned out great and it seemed so easy this time.  Maybe there is hope for me as a baker.
 Can you believe it?  I even had enough energy to make a real dinner.

First, I par boiled two boneless chicken breasts with onion.  Then, I added three carrots and half of a large raw onion.  Marinated it with soy sauce and rice vinegar with a little olive oil...sea salt and fresh ground pepper.  Topped it with some peach preserves, covered it and popped it into the oven.
 On top of the stove I made some homemade lomain.  This is a no brainer.  Put about 3 inches of water in a pot.  Add soy sauce and chicken or beef stock...the water should look brownish and smell rich (smelling is the test for me).  Then, take half a pound of spaghetti and break it in half...throw it in the boiling water and cook it until it is almost done.  Cover and turn off the heat.  It needs to sit for half an hour so it absorbs all the liquid.  I frequently throw in some frozen peas at this point.
 And voila!  A very yummy dinner.  Served some marinated cucumber/onion/dill on the side.
Jill had chore duty (yey!!!!!) and I sent her home with some dinner.
Night all.  I feel so much better.


  1. Lunch looked good, but your dinner with apple pie...can't beat that!

    Glad you're feeling well again

  2. You made quite the turn around! From sick to all this activity -- I'm impressed! And I want a piece of that pie. Everything you bake looks wonderful so stop the "hope for me as a baker" stuff. You're there.

  3. I just ate breakfast but I'm now so HUNGRY from looking at all that YUM food. ohmygosh. I have to bake an apple pie today! I have to!
    And please tell that bookstore that I love LOVE them - what a very nice Creech shelf they have. Thank you for 'showing' me via photo. Made me smile.

  4. I'm glad you're feeling better, Lori. And the restaurant sandwiches look tempting. But not half as good as your casserole, spaghetti and divine looking apple pie. Blessings, Jo

  5. It's great that you are giving Steve so much of your business to help get things off the ground. I hope he gets help soon so he doesn't burn out.

    All your meals looks so wonderful. Wish I had that talent for cooking!

    I thought you were supposed to have snow by now...I bet it seems so odd.

  6. Hi Lori, Awesome shots of all the food. Unfortunately, you made me very hungry and I'm stuck at work so I will have to raid the machine and pretend it's as glorious as what you have posted!! LOL! I'm looking for approx 100-150 bales of hay after Christmas to keep me til the end of the season. Do you know of anyone who has any grassy hay? The picture of what your friend Jerry brought over looks nice. If you know of anyone, please let me know. I hate the thought of running out. Yikes!! I'm glad you're feeling better and have a very Happy Holiday!!


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