Thursday, December 22, 2011


 This is going to be short and sweet.
 Jill helped with chores....Abbe got wrapped....
 Romeo was placed in isolation....
 I picked all the pastures so they won't be impossible when the weather changes.
 I was hoping Abbe would stay under the shed roof, but she insisted on going on back with Belle and Berlin.

Had a Christmas delivery from Steph...loved the box.
 Something tells me that Ariana and Daniela had something to do with this.
 Gary drove me in to have the stitches removed from my arm.  Good pathology report.  I was in and out of the office in 15 minutes.  Time for a big breath.
 Watched a movie this afternoon and went out for chores a little before 5.
 Annette, here are my entrants for the piggy contest today.
 They were all a mess.

Did not make dinner and am out of pictures and gas.
Night all.


  1. Yay! So very very glad the report was good.

  2. Glad you had a good report at the doctors. Our horses couldn't be more muddy and filthy either. Hope Abbe is feeling better too.

  3. Lori, my paint horse has been inconsistently doing what Abbe is for couple of months! good times you think he's ok, and sometimes not ok and gimpy, ~ his is the left front. Couldn't figure if the foot, knee, ankle, shoulder or what was bothering him~ vet came for shots and checked him out real good last week and discovered an injured tendon in the back of his leg about 1/3 up between ankle and knee, NOT BOWED, looks normal, but verrrrrrry sore to palpitate. From what she said they take a very long time to heal. He's a pasture potato daytime almost 21, in the barn at night~vet wants him to have NO BUTE because then he won't be so careful, wrapping or SMBII boots not necessary either but I'm thinking of wrapping if he isn't over the gimping of the last 4 days by morning. He can go out all day but seems better if I lock him in his stall from dark till 9 or 10ish am rather than letting him walk the paddock. Oh she also said if he WERE racing or showing he would be stalled 30 days, wrapped, iced, etcetc, but he's being quiet and happy out with his buddy, and careful from her observation, so that's why she said no bute and he can go out days. Just thought Abbe could possibly have that type of thing going on~ You surely can't tell by looking where on earth this guy's hurting but I have to watch to be sure it doesn't bow and call her quickly if it does. Thanks so much for your blogsite~ I love and enjoy it so much~ We live in Central Florida 40 mi east of Ocala and are having a heatwave for Christmas, not the usual, 80+ degrees last few days and more of the same expected. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU AND GARY AND ALL YOUR FAMILY! Thanks for your fun site and stories of your great friends and family. Love your grands, have two boys myself and the grands are both girls, such fun, all in this area! Martha

  4. I'm glad your pathology report came back good. Lots of family here today, no gas, no pictures, no post. You are doing much better than me.

  5. delighted you'r better!

    Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


    < ° ) } } > <

  6. LOVE that painting of trees at the top of your blog. Yours? Nice.

  7. Sorry about Abbe's leg! We have had the most mild weather here too. Our horses and pastures look awful. I can't believe that I am sitting here wishing for colder weather. I know you are relieved about your pathology report and glad all is well.

  8. Yay for your good dr report, boo for Abbe's leg. Take care and have a merry, merry, merry holiday - stop and take many breaths! CAN you stop? I'm not sure you know how!

  9. Apparently, I missed the fact that you were having some tests done, but am relieved that all came out well. Yea for good news!!


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