Saturday, December 17, 2011


I cooled it today.  Gary and Jill helped with morning chores.

Jodi and her family came up about 11 to do a photoshoot for their Christmas card
(sample shots below).   Romeo was a very good boy.

I vegged during the afternoon and went out to do chores a little before 5.

 Fortunately I took a shower before I put the ponies in as Judy and two of her buddies picked me up at 5:15 to go over to LeRoy.
First we went to Scooter's for a quick dinner (diner style).  I can't even show you what we ordered!  The portions were so gigantic it was embarassing.  I got sloppy joes.
 Our next stop was LeRoy High School.
 The place was sold out for a performance by the Yellow Jackets.  I was going to have the opportunity to see them after all.  Thank you Judy!
  During the afternoon they worked with two singing groups from the music department and at 7:30 the show began.  The students must have been thrilled to have had this opportunity.

The full group was not there (some were performing in other places), but believe me!  They knew how to put on one heck of a show.  The clarity it their voices was amazing.  Personable, entertaining and extremely talented.  Several times they went right out into the audience and had all of us wrapped around their little fingers.  Asked for questions...had kids come up to dance with them....
So deserving of all the recognition they got from the Sing Off.
Their last song was performed with the two groups from the School....the one about Africa.

On the way home we drove past some interesting Christmas decorations.
Some were understated and soft....some were creative....
 Then Judy took us over to a place unlike anything I have ever seen!  I kid you not, there were at least 5 acres of lights on one property.  Cars were lined up on a country road to see this example of holiday overkill (my personal opinion).  I did not get any good shots as I was in the car and moving part of the time.  The house and barn were outlined, dozens of hardwood trees were wrapped in lights, santas, reindeer, wagons, gigantic signs, trains, gingerbread houses, candy canes, decorated fir trees, loud music, name it!  If it had anything to do with Christmas it was there...about one acre deep and five acres wide.  I can't imagine how many gazillion dollars were spent and would not want the electric bill.  It must have take over a month to set it up.  To each his own.  Obviously, there are people who think this is beautiful.  It made me feel like I was in a neon game zone...whatever that is.  Had to be thousands of feet of extension cords to pull this off.

Home a little after nine.  What a fun evening.
I'll have to do more serious picture taking tomorrow.
Night all.


  1. Always was a rite of passage for us just before the 25th, pile the kids in the station wagon and troll the neighborhoods... looking for lights.

  2. Love your new header picture. So cozy looking.

    Glad you got to see the Yellow Jackets, sounds like a great show.

    I like the more understated decorations myself. I'm not into holiday overload on lights. We just put candles in the window and one year we did put white lights on two evergreens lining the porch but the wire got cut with snow shoveling. So that's the end of that.

  3. Nice to see the yellow jackets. There are few bands who sing without music.
    Happy to know you have enjoyed the performance.
    See you soon

  4. A wreath on the front door and the barn, maybe some simple lights -- that does it for me. I'm with you on the neon parking lot.

  5. You know what? I like that white church with the understated decoration the best.


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