Saturday, December 10, 2011


We woke up to a nice soft sunrise this morning.
 By the time I got out to the barn it was just beautiful.  We had a little snow last night and it was about 22 degrees.  Did not warm up all that much.

 There were Christmas Carols on the classical station.  So peaceful.  Gary helped me clean stalls.
  I will be happy when Jill returns tomorrow...I need a break.

 Romeo disappeared before he ate his grain.  Snuck out back and went up the hill to the barn looking for the hay I swept out of the loft.

The pups came running from the field next to the indoor.  I don't know what's so interesting over there.

 Left early for drumming so I could pick up a luggage cart.  My drum is so heavy I can't stand to carry it any longer and this really did the trick.  Such a strain to carry it.  After that I went to the Senior Center to check on the Craft Sale and bought 7 fabulous crocheted dish clothes for a buck each.
Khalid did not make it to drumming today, so Marcia led us and did a fabulous job.  Got home by 3:30.
Went out to do evening chores a little before 5.
 Romeo was surrounded by orbs!  Dusty barn????
 Just when Jenny arrived, I was out trying to take some pictures of the moon.  It was only 5:20.

 Eggs and English Muffins for dinner.  Just not in the mood to cook when I get home so late.  We had dinner theater and watched a replay of "Buck."  What a great movie.
 We do have some good snacks for later...almonds, yogurt covered raisins and apricots.  A favorite around here.
This year Gary sent his Christmas Card down to Saint Tim in Kentucky to have it printed.  He did a fabulous job and we love them.  So nice to have a connection like that!  Where's the bill, Tim?
It's getting close to couch time.
Night all.


  1. Purty, purty, purty, all of it, including Gary's card. What fabulous light you had - the barn roofs and the moon look esp. spectacular.

  2. Hi Lori-so nice to "meet" Romeo-what a handsome boy!!

    Couldn't see the vids on my iPhone so will check later on my computer-I love when you post barn and puppy vids!

    I love Buck Brannaman as a person but have to admit I still think he (and most trainers) move too fast and ask too much too quickly from horses. I adore Mark Rashid's philosophy of waiting for the try and rewarding the smallest try.

    Hope you enjoy the lunar eclipse tonight!

  3. We have a big moon tonight too. Did you see the eclipse this morning?

  4. I love the Christmas card and the soft sunrise.

  5. I took some moon shots last night. We didn't see the eclipse on the "east" coast, but did watch it turn orange around 5:30. Beautiful!

  6. I didn't hear of Fa lalalalala until I went to canada when I was 20.


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