Tuesday, December 13, 2011


 Another beautiful morning....
 Cleaned the barn....
 Kept an eye on the ponies.

 Romeo's 2nd full day with the girls.

 The heat from the sun told me to take off the sheets today.   It was supposed to go up to 42 and ended up in the 50s!  Amazing.

 Once again, the light was energy producing.
 Sidney was doing a little birdwatching.

 Class today.  Tina, Jean and Donna.

 Cranberry spritzers and a nice fire.

Right after class I went down to Brockport.  10 minutes in Wegmans and off to the massage therapist.  Boy did I need it.  This has been some week.
 It was around 4:45 when I went through the village.  The lights were just starting to come on.
 There's a little park right on Main Street.  This is the tree they brought in for the parade and lighting last weekend.  Weird not to have snow.

 As soon as I got home, when out to do evening chores.
 Those orbs make everything look dappled.
 Gary had a dinner meeting tonight so I made him a pear salad.
 Saved a little for me to eat with my $6 meal from Wegmans.  I figured what the heck and tried one tonight.  Chicken French, mixed harvest veggies and yams with spinach, onions and cranberries.  I have to admit that it was VERY good...and generous portions too..  Can't go wrong for that price!
No chorus for the next month, so tomorrow we have no commitments.  I'm ready!
Couch time!
Night all.


  1. Your dinner looks tasty and easy but Gary's salad looks delich! We hovered around 41 today with rain. It looks like you are having California weather - at least, our California weather.

  2. Massage sounds good...can't wait for Sat.

    Glad Sid is staying around home!

    Tasty looking dinner...

  3. Same weather here, Lori. Just weird! Love the music on your site. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  4. Skoogy!
    Come a visiting when can

    love the cloud tableau

    Aloha from Waikiki

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


    < ° ) } } > <

  5. I was thinking about your lack of snow. That would be disaster here...a giant wildfire season in the making. Maybe you'll get spring rains to help with that.

  6. I wanna live with you just so you can feed me. Love your creative dishes! They make my stomach growl....grrr, grrrr!

  7. Almost 70 here today. Very strange indeed!

  8. What? What? A day (tomorrow) with no commitments? How can this be? :)


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