Thursday, November 3, 2011


 This first picture was taken with my little Canon camera and the next three...the Powershot.

 Quite a dramatic start to the day.
It immediately turned to grey, as soon as I got out to the barn.
 Picked the pastures after cleaning stalls.  The grass is down to least it is still green.

 Lily was in her Queen's chair Sophie.
 Not too productive this afternoon until Jill arrived around 4 and we went riding.
 Abbe came along...I wanted to try and pony her (have never done it before).  Got on Berlin, grabbed my rope and Abbe let me snap it on her halter, no problem.  It worked very well, but the next time I am going to use a shorter rope.  The temperature was perfect, classical music was playing and all the horses were terrific.  Loved it.  What a difference, having someone to ride with.

 Jill had chore duty and I went in to start dinner.  Gary planted garlic until dark.

 Do you remember my posts about a man from Norway who came down the canal in his sailboat?  He sent us a card today and is now ready to sail over to Cuba (another leg of his 8 year journey around the world).  Loved the card.  Ariana left a sweatshirt onboard when we motored down the canal with them, so he mailed it to us....
 along with some napkins from Sweden.  How sweet was that?
 Dinner was a no brainer.  Leftover squash/apple soup....
 and a salad with pears.
Night all.


  1. riding sounds so peaceful with your friend and then listening to classical music.
    That soup looks delish!
    I grew garlic this past year, just one bulb made it :) I would love to see pics along the way of the garlic crop.

  2. Squash and APPLE sounds YUMMY! LOVE THE PHOTOS!
    Good for you with riding...I love that arena of yours. Abbie was so cute.
    Goodnight! Maybe a stormy one for you.

  3. What a great sky to start your morning with.

  4. How nice that you have sound in your arena! It is nice riding with someone, I agree. We have rain in the forecast for tomorrow -- some big storm from Alaska -- so I'm planning to make chili. Soup, chili, stew...this weather begs for it.

  5. Holy cow, what a sky!
    Abbe was a good girl! I've never tried ponying - good for you!

  6. The skies are awesome, Lori. Always love all the horses, dogs and cats on your farm. What a sweet gesture, that man sending the sweatshirt, serviettes and a postcard. And YUM to your soup and salad, Never thought of adding apple to squash soup. I'll be trying this next. Also have fresh pears and want to try your salad tonight. Blessings, Jo

  7. now that is a beautiful sky. We see the horsie sticking his tongue out at the pawparazzi, BOL. Cool postcard from the man from Norway
    Benny & Lily


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