Friday, November 18, 2011


 This was one crispy mornin'.  High 20s.
 On went the Rambos.
 Just a little snow left on the ground from last night.

 Coop did not feel well last night and stayed home from school today.  He came to the farm prepared.
 He brought along some farm type his John Deere Tractor puzzle and a book about a horse show in England.
 He loves picture albums and brought along the one Jenny made for him.
 and Phoebe kept him company.
 Eventually he put together his Alphabet Train (puzzle).

 Felt like eating and attacked a waffle.
Gary took him home about 3:30 and was there to meet Finn when he got off the bus.
So much for Part 1 of my day.

Jill had chore duty and we went down to Brockport for Part 2.
The soft opening of Steven's Loft.

The marquee at the movie theater said it all.

They opened for business at 5pm....
We have been encouraging Steve and Sandy to move to Brockport for months and it finally happened.
They have turned this place into what will soon become Brockport's finest.
The kitchen was buzzing as every table in the place filled up.
This was our table.  We sat in one of the front rooms overlooking Main Street.
Our friend Linda, who is now the manager of the restaurant, has really helped get this place off to a great start.  Very attentive, making for a smooth beginning.
We met Roger, Tina, Jim and Sara and had great dinners.
When you order a salad, I would highly recommend the house dressing with crumbly blue.
We selected many different things....from broiled fish
to pot roast on mashed potatoes (the real kind).

I stopped in the kitchen to tell Steve how much we all loved our meals.  His presentation was outstanding.
Of course he was happy with the turnout and looks forward to getting all the kinks out.  

As you know, I posted this opening and also sent out many emails.  I could not believe how many people read them and made an appearance for dinner.  This whole thing was pulled off without any advertising per se.  Just think about the possibilities.  I know of two groups that have already booked parties.  We have a lot of restaurants in Brockport, but not one of them is like Steven's Loft.  It's going to be a very nice option.
The colors and lighting are warm and inviting....mellow.
If you get a chance, check it out.  In a couple of weeks they will start serving lunches too.
Night all.


  1. Your dinners looked wonderful. Glad there was such a good turnout.....I'll be there as soon as I get rid of this cold.

  2. Lori...oh to be closer! The food especially real mashed potatoes...comfort could you not win with this option. The ambiance is crafted very well..the staff and colours/warmth that is what makes a place. Now for Part that alphabet train...I'd have enjoyed that at his age.
    Cheers Ron

  3. Hope Coop is feeling better.
    re: the restaurant - You are a natural promoter, Lori. Love the way you are getting the word out about the new restaurant and the way you and Gary support local endeavors. Good luck to The Loft!

  4. skies
    food friends


    Aloha from Honolulu

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


    < ° ) } } > <


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