Thursday, November 17, 2011


 In the low 30s this morning....going down to about 28 tonight.  On with the blankets.

 Got through chores....
 and headed back to the house by 9.
 Lily was all cozy in her crate on Gary's (barn) porch...but she really wants to come in the house.
 Took a shower and headed over to Jill's.  The Rochester Public Market was our destination.
 She has blossoms all over the place...just beautiful.
 The light must be just right.
 By 10:30 we were parked and scouting the joint to see what we wanted to buy.

 Of course I was out of control as the prices were so good.
 I think this bakery was my favorite spot.  These breads were only $1.50!  They had a day old rack of perfectly fine bread and I bought a bag of 5 loaves (large sub size) for $1.00.  I am going to make stuffing out of them.
 There was also a great Italian store jammed with cheeses.  Most of which I had never heard of.
 Beautiful fall produce...
 The little restaurant above was putting out the smell of fried onions, so we went over to see what was on the menu.  I asked the man on the far right what he was eating....fries and gizzards topped with tomato sauce!  Quite a selection.  Too cold for us to sit outside, so we drove back to Churchville and had lunch at a little Deli on Main Street.  Only about 5 frills and a gigantic menu of salads, soups, wraps, paninis, sandwiches and more.  I had a turkey reuben panini and Jill had split pea soup and a tuna sandwich.   Can't wait to take Gary over was outstanding.
 I left for home around 12:30 and the sky had gone from grey to this.

 Just a preview of what was to come later.
 Around 4:15 I let Harley and Dancer out for their hour of bliss.

 The sky was something!

 So what did I get at the market?  Tomatoes, 2 orange peppers, brussels sprouts, bread, 2 apricot filled things at the bakery, pears, pomegranates and a pair of gloves.

They were only $2!!!!  I am going back for a lot more.

Picked up the makings for vegetarian chili and got on it about 4pm.
 Sauteed onions and leeks....
 added a carrot and one orange pepper.
 Threw in a large can of crushed tomatoes.... and beans...lots of beans (green, black, kidney and cannalleni).  At the end I added some corn.  Spiced with cumin, sea salt and fresh ground pepper.  When I make vegetarian chili I add a shot of vinegar and a little brown sugar too.
 This little loaf of bread cost me 60 cents at the bakery.
Topped the chili with a little extra sharp cheddar cheese. 
While we were eating, it started to snow!  Got to train all those kitties to go in the basement where it's warm.
Night all.


  1. My goodness you had weather today! Beautiful skies and then snow -- I'm impressed. Your chili looks amazing. I had a bowl of cereal for dinner -- didn't get home until almost 8pm. Chili would have been soooo much better!

  2. Glad you had a day on the your gloves

    Sounds like those kitties are used to being in the house...winter is going to be a shock!

  3. That was some crazy sky yesterday and then, snow, snow! But it does seem like the horses only just shed their blankets for summer . . . alas. Here we go again, back into the cold.

  4. A loaf for 60 cents?! I would have paid almost $3 for that. I would go hog wild at your market as well. I rarely buy fresh produce as the prices are just too much here with the costs of transportation from so far away. I'm guessing the little horses only get an hour to graze because they would over eat? Is Lily considered a "barn cat" and that's why she isn't coming inside? Just curious....

  5. A day of....This one should doo at least ONCE A WEEK...!!
    Wonderful bakery with all the inviting crisp breds...!

    The two ponies are sooooooooo cute...!

    .....and your soup was just the right dinner for the cold evening...!
    ...I bet it was superdelicious!!
    The last car-pic-under the snowflakes- is just fabulous...!

    So lovely to be back in your world, Lori!!

    ciao ciao elvira

  6. I'm exhausted just reading about our day. You keep moving, don't you?


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