Tuesday, November 22, 2011


 When I went out to the barn this morning it was about 25 degrees.
 Grey and a very heavy frost.

 Fortunately the sun came out for awhile and the grass was more appealing to the ponies.
Phoebe and Gucci are loving their fleece coats.  They are going to be groomed on Friday and will really need them....except for one thing.  Starting Thursday, the temperature is supposed to be between 55 and 60 for five days in a row.  Today the high was a big 37.
 I started a fire earlier than usual today.  We worked on vegging.

Hey Terry, look who spent most of the day in the house and is still here.  As long as she behaves!
I wish Sidney and Sophie would show up.
Sally stopped up around 10 and brought us another bag of apples.  Tomorrow I'm going to get serious about making apple sauce.  Maybe some poached pears too.  Has anyone out there done that?
 My art classes will now meet in the kitchen (with a fire) as the studio is too cold.
 Tina and Judy were here today.
 Both are working in colored pencil.
 Last night a light came on in my car (after bridge) telling me to check the pressure in my tires.  So after class I went down to the village and needed to have more put in all four.  Now the light is off and I'm glad that's all it was.

Dinner was a repeat of last night.  How nice that we both don't mind leftovers.
It's not often that I finish my Journal before 7.  Couch time.
Night all.
Now it's pouring outside!


  1. Cold here today too and now it's also pouring. Funny about your tire pressure light, mine did the same thing. With the cold I guess you lose the air pressure you had when it was warm. I'm happy to hear it's going to be warm for a few more days. It will be cold for long enough this winter. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  2. Leftovers here as well! Have a great Thanksgiving!

  3. 37 HIGH!

    Brrrrr. Think I'll stay here despite the great faces and welcoming food!

    Aloha from Honolulu

    Comfort Spiral

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    < ° ) } } > <

  4. It was 29 this morning when I did chores and our frost was also very heavy -- lots of moisture left from the recent rain storm. I haven't made poached pears in awhile. I need to do that. They are easy and so SOOOO yummy!

  5. Rained all day here. Off for five days yeah! Time to pull the christmas decorations out. Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving

  6. When I read your freezing cold journal it makes me happy that I live in the sub tropics. I have poached pears but very simply. I peel them. rub lemon juice on them and pop them in saucepan with 2 cups sugar and 5 cups of water and 1 cup red wine. Stir until sugar has dissolved and simmer for 5 minutes. Add pears and cover with baking paper so that it sits on the pears and water (stops pear floating out of the sauce and getting brown and dry. simmer for 15 -20 mins. Turn pears occasionally for even cooking.
    Serve with a little of the sauce (we add ice cream or yogurt ) Enjoy.

  7. It's definitely couch and nap and leftovers weather!

    p.s. We are home with just our grown son for T-day. Are you cooking and hosting?

  8. The frost pictures are so pretty! I love the picture of the bowl of apples. I'm going to save it to my 'color inspiration' pinterest page (it will link back to you).
    Wish all leftovers looked that good!

  9. Even though it's cold and rainy, it feels like it's supposed to for this time of year. Fire in the fireplace, naps and applesauce - all good November pleasures. Hope you have a wonderful, relaxing Thanksgiving!

  10. Lovely drawings and such talent!!

    We had sun for awhile this morning but the cold and the clouds have returned. I may need a fire too!

    ღ˚ •。* ♥ ˚ ˚✰˚ ˛★* 。 ღ˛° 。* °♥ ˚ • ★ I hope you have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING Lori!!˚ ✰* ★˚. ★ *˛ ˚♥* ✰。˚ ˚ღ。* ˛˚ ♥ 。✰˚* ˚ ★ღ ˚ 。✰ •* ˚ ♥

  11. A big awww to Miss Formerly Feral.

    We are 60 degrees here today Can you believe it? I hear it's headed your way...


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