Friday, October 28, 2011


 Voila!  Another beautiful sunrise.
 Soon to make the hard frost disappear.

 The temperature was 28 last night.
 Left the sheets on the ponies.
 Abbe always goes out to the pasture last and wants to catch up. 
 Does she look like she has a stifle problem to you?  As soon as she gets out of the aisle, she stops walking with that little hitch, and by the time she comes back in she has no trouble going down that same cement aisle.
 Now that the grass is not so good, they come in for a little hay during the day.  This morning it was sooner than later, as the frost was interfering with their nibbling.

 That bright sunshine was a real upper.

At 2, 3 of my drumming friends came over for a little jam.  We concentrated on 2 of the rhythms Alice and I were taught last Saturday (that were quite a challenge at the time).  Here's a little preview of what we were working on.

Jill had chore duty tonight and Gar and I went down to the village for a bite.
 On the way we stopped to check out this van.  A possibility for Gary.  Something that will hold all our grandchildren at the same time....
 The sky was was around 5:30.
 On our way home, there was all kinds of activity on Main Street.  It was Midnight Madness and oodles of children were trick or treating.  Jen took Finn and Coop down.
Good to be home....have the fire going.
Night all.


  1. It is chilly here too in KY. Fire in the wood stove! Love your sunny pics.

  2. you convey a particular day-
    and each is unique-
    at Skoog Farm

    Aloha from Honolulu

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

  3. I couldn't see anything in the video of Abbe -- but I'm not very good at that anyway. Maybe it was just the cold?

  4. Just the other day I was wondering whether the horses have a feeling about eating frosty or snowy grass. Do they get brain freeze?!

  5. Hi There - I just stumbled onto your blog and love the photos on your farm, however, am confused for you are from a small community in Western New York - do you actually live on a farm in western new york - sorry, but I am most unfamiliar with New York - I thought it was all tall buildings and lots of people - would you kinda be like in the suburbs outside the city? Remember, you are about to meet an old doll from a very small town in Atlantic Canada. I like your photos and actually listened to your drumming. Nice
    Take Care
    Lilly of TheSaucyKodz

  6. A very beautiful day.
    Here we have the same sometimes, though the mornings are less cold.
    We have seen a few starlings. Generally, they announce the winter, but there are still beautiful days. The boys have gone riding at the club. They enjoy that much.
    To-day, the Internet connexion comes and goes all time, so I stop writing before it goes.
    See you soon

  7. I wonder what a stifle is . . .
    I wonder why we didn't get your blue sky. . .
    I wonder how I'd be at drums - terrible, probably, I'd just be wapping away dumdadumdumdumdumdum.

  8. Okay, I just googled 'stifle' and learned a whole lot more about stifles and hitches and all that jazz than I ever knew before. Amazing what you learn on a Saturday afternon.

  9. A beautiful day in your beautiful part of Western NY. I see you got snow. None here yet. We're too close to the lake, I guess.

  10. It must be cold if the horsies have coats
    Benny & Lily

  11. Oh my goodness, what a head-er!

    Lori, you asked about my saddle. I have a 20+ year old Niedersuss. It fits Paj well, but it doesn't give me a great position. My legs tend to come forward, and I get a bit of a chair seat going. I ride Elvis in Jan's Albion. It's the opposite - I can easily maintain a decent seat in it and it's very comfortable, but it isn't a perfect fit for Elvis.


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