Wednesday, October 26, 2011


This is getting ridiculous.
 It rained last night, it rained this morning, it's raining now.

 Did chores quickly....Made sure there was hay under the shed roof.

 Had a great time at chorus today.  Finally got to play my drum for real.  Woody played his acoustic guitar and Greg played his bongos for one of the songs.  It added such dimension.

On the way home I stopped at Wegmans.  Have you ever seen this stuff?
 It tastes even better than regular cauliflower.

Around 3 I took pity on the ponies and called them into the indoor.  They were all wet and they all rolled.

 Put them in early and caught this photo of a pigeon that was in the barn.  Left the door part way open so it could get out after we left.
Leftovers for dinner...a big fire in the kitchen and Gary is taking a nap.
Night all.
This was just not a picture taking day.


  1. And here I am i the desert sun, longing for rain. I love the picture of kitty taking shelter from the rain.

  2. Abbe! What a mess!
    Are you whining about rain, my dear? It's been snowing all day, and we're headed to 14 degrees tonight. Feel better?

  3. Sorry about the rain... I could almost smell that wet-leaf smell while looking at your pictures. But.. hey, we had snow! (I actually was thrilled... it was a pretty snow, we got just over 6"... and it will be gone within a few days as temps are supposed to hop above freezing again.)
    I hope you get some sunshine soon.

  4. Bummer on the rain. I hope you see the sun soon-

  5. I have said this before.. but you have a lovely eye for a photo

  6. Here one day it rains, the next one the sun shines. The grass will grow fast and the horses will be happy.
    See you soon

  7. Yesterday was a stay in the house and be thankful you have a warm and dry place to live kind of day. Dreary, and, today's not much better. Hmmmm, it seems to have put me into somewhat a grumpy mood today, also.

  8. But you've captured a rainy day so well! And there is something about that pigeon . . . have you read The Unfinished Angel yet? (apologies if you've told me already . . .my brain is gone, gone, gone) If you have, you might not look at pigeons the same way ever again.

  9. Oh Abbe! The joys of grey horses and rain. I am so envious of your indoor! I have grown that Romanesco cauliflower and love it. Beautiful photo! Lots of texture and color.

  10. Still raining here too and it's getting old. Love the picture of the kitty under the wheelbarrow, now that's one smart cat! Don't you just love it when they roll when they're wet.

  11. It is raining off and on here all day but boy it was only 4c driving home tonight what the heck does that mean. If it drops just a bit more it will be snow. I am not ready for that.
    Love the pigeon shot. Night. B

  12. I think you did lovely, Lori -- & that cauliflower is so strange looking!

  13. I love Wegmans, but I too hate the rain...I think I'm growing gills, and now I'm going to have to find that coat! I may need a trip to Wegmans to feel better! :-)

  14. I'd recognize that romanesco broccoli - the variety is called Veronica- anywhere! My family grows a ton of it, I like it better than regular broccoli and cauliflower (coming from someone who loves brasscias).


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