Sunday, October 2, 2011


No way, were we going to drum this morning at the Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk in Rochester.
It was cold, windy and pouring.  Hopefully the walkers showed up with their umbrellas.
 Finn, on the other  hand....still had a flag football tournament. 
 I'm not too excited about this colic weather....put the sheets back  on.

 While I was cleaning stalls, the girls came in to have some hay under the shed roof.

 Gary and I went down to Java for breakfast.
 Did we take an umbrella?????
 Got soaked going over to the farm market.
 They usually have music, and today was no exception.  They were singin' in the rain.

I bought sweet peppers (to stuff) and peaches.
When we got home the horses were in the back pasture eating grass...getting soaked.
I gave up and called them in.

 Decided to put the plexiglass back in Berlin's windows.  Gary was so excited to come out and help.
Got back in the house, started a fire and remembered we had signed up for a picnic at the Welcome Center.  Normally it is held out by the Canal, but today it was so yucky we moved inside.  Anyway, we made it in time for lunch.
 Home by 3 and the weather had improved.

 Out went the girls, and I cleaned the stalls again....set them up for evening chores.
  Went back in and watched a movie.
After I did evening chores...
 I made some chicken salad for dinner.

 Now it's time for hitting the couch, getting under a blanket and watching The Good Wife.
Night all.


  1. Good day for staying indoors. And, it looks like you made the most of it.

    I know what you mean about colic weather. It's the only thing I hate about Spring and Fall. Oh, and the mud.

  2. I fear the colic weather too. For us, it's the wild temperature swings, or the long spells of bitter cold that make me crazy scared.

    The clip of the horses coming in is so cute. Abbe looks good - all better now? And speaking of cute, Finn is cute!

  3. Love the picture of your barn at night(inside shot).Like I've said before your horses are beautiful. Have a great week!

  4. Much rain but it does not seem to disturb the horses. Here also, they do not seem to mind much when it rains.
    Here the summer has stayed longer. Around 84°F in the afternoon. We must put water to the young trees.

    See you soon

  5. Love those apple-cheeks!! Great protrait!

  6. Don't really understand what colic weather is - damp weather? Nice looking goods at the farmers' market. We haven't had any sweet peaches this year - have you?

  7. The chicken salad looks great. This weather is getting old really fast. We're already dealing with mud. Love the pictures of everything. Watched The Good Wife too, really like that show.

  8. Those eggplant are beautiful -- well, it all is. Peaches still? Ours are long gone...
    There is a Pacific storm headed our way from Alaska. We'll have cold weather and rain in a few days.

  9. Very nice chronicle of your day! I enjoyed the videos. I have a Rubbermaid cart, too, and use it often for chores and yardwork.

  10. The best peaches we've had this year were given us by a near neighbour who has a peach tree in his garden. Must be a very sheltered spot. We don't grow many peaches in this country.

  11. wow that flower is a shocker! Then the food makes me hungry. I need a cook


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