Monday, October 24, 2011


What a beautiful morning.

Have you ever seen such a filthy horse as my Abbe.  Why does she love to sleep on her manure?

I have no clue as to why Lily is not coming to the barn with me.  She just wants to hang out in the Queen's chair.

A change in the weather....braved it to pick some fresh flowers for coming.
 Chicken 'N Biscuits on the menu.
 Three boneless chicken breasts, onion, leeks, carrots, fresh parsley, organic veggie stock plus some chicken boullion.
 Drained and reserved the broth....cut up the chicken and added frozen peas.
 Had dog duty this afternoon and stopped at Weggies.  By then it was a total downpour.  On the way home the sun came out and it was still raining.  Crazy.
 Set the table....
 Jill did chores, and everyone arrived at 6:30 ... I was not quite dressed yet.  The shower made me feel so hot...and I was in a hurry.  Rushing is not good.

 This crew knows how to laugh....
 So here's the dinner. 
 I made the main course (and left the biscuits off some of the gravy so Brenda could eat it).
 mashed potatoes...
 Carol brought squash.
 Brenda brought a salad....

 I made some fresh cranberry sauce....

 and Ann brought the makings for sundaes for dessert.
A perfect meal for a cool, rainy evening with good friends.
Night all.


  1. Jackson has a spot in the exact same place as Abbe -- and his tail matches hers as well.
    Dinner looked yummy -- especially for a cool evening.

  2. Nothing better than eating and relaxing with friends. You all look like you enjoyed the evening. I would too with that yummy menu. Love the windmill shot reflecting the sun.

  3. Beautiful pictures as usual,love the windmill.
    Your suppers always look so delicious!!

  4. Man, you all know how to cook and eat! Those biscuits look esp. yum. Love the autumn colors and that light on the windmill!

  5. Oh it all looks so delicious and everyone looks like they are having such a great time!!

  6. What a nice evening!

    6-12" of the white stuff for us tonight.

  7. Abbe reminds me of my Eco...he does the same thing and drives me crazy. Constantly cleaning him up. Your chicken 'n biscuits looks fantastic.

  8. You sure do know how to have a good time. I would find it fascinating to sit and listen to the conversation!


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