Monday, September 19, 2011

Tony Bennett & Amy Winehouse - Body And Soul


  1. That was interesting -- who woulda thunk?? And it works! Such a loss... the lyrics are kind of bittersweet.

  2. I always liked Amy Winehouse...such a sad situation. Enjoyed the video. So glad that Phoebe is feeling better! Nice to hear some good news! Little Ollie is still lame in the front thinks maybe he injured his knee (not good) or has an abscess. I have never hoped more for an abscess.

  3. except for her hit, this was the first time I really listened to Amy Winehouse. she was definitely destined for bigger things.

  4. Glad Phoebe is doing better!

    Well, I'm in a NEW place & NEW lifestyle!
    Do YOU know WHO I am? WHERE I live?
    I'm still not quite sure where I am,
    but boat Kitty is digging it.
    "Boat? What boat?"

    Aloha from Waikiki;

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >



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