Wednesday, September 28, 2011


 Once again it was a grey morning, and once again Abbe was favoring her right hind.  After I finished the stalls I brought her into the grooming room for a soak....
 and wrap.....

 She apologized for all the extra work she has presented.
Sidney kept us company.

By 10am we were at out chorus rehearsal.

 Home for lunch, then down to Apple Creek Farm to mow the lawn.
Of course it started to sprinkle, and I chose to stick it out.
 Louise made some cookies and sent a few home for Gary's birthday.
Oatmeal, nuts, chocolate chips and banana.
 We had a torrential downpour so I put the girls in early.

 Then I went out with my umbrella to find the mask that Belle left somewhere.
 Found it.
 We went out for a simple birthday dinner, then Jen and the boys came up with a Cherry Pie from some fancy bakery in Rochester.  We celebrated.

Night all.
By the way....I'm a rookie in the Italian department and loved all the messages you sent back....had to get out my dictionary.  Thanks!  O solo mio.....


  1. You may be a rookie in the Italian department but you are way ahead of me. I know... um... pizza, ...pesto. Oh, yeah, they're all foodie words. :)
    Abbe does look sorry. Do you think its an abscess?

  2. That pie looks delish, and the boys are so cute.
    Abbe has lovely manners, apologizing like that. My guys are more the "hey, get a move on" type.

  3. Those animals are so lucky to have you to take care of them and provide such a good home. I love those grey mornings and rainy days! I bet fall is really starting to show in your area, isn't it? This is my favorite time of year!

  4. Poor Abbe. She's so sweet, hope she feels better soon.

    We're being washed away here with rain and no end in sight.

    Good heaven's all that food looks delicious!

  5. Happy (belated) birthday, Gary!
    And poor Abbe - I hope she mends soon.


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