Tuesday, September 20, 2011


 The morning started out spritzie, but it did not last very long.

 Seymour was front and center...no Sidney for at least 3 days.  Where does he go?

 Phoebe is good most of the time...sometimes a little wheezie.
 We were in desperate need of a few staples from Weggies so I went there, to the bank and finally stopped at Country Max.
 Had ordered some Sole Packs for Masterpiece....they came in after he was put down.  As if there hasn't been enough soaking and wrapping....Abbe is still not normal.  She trots.  She runs.  When she is standing around she balances her right hind on her toe.  I am so tired of all the worry lately.  So I soaked her, put on the sole pack and wrapped her.  Do you know about Sole Packs?  Good idea.
 Jill had a great ride on Belle while I stayed in the grooming room.

Lunch, then class.

 I sent Tina home with a bag of leeks....
 I'm still not in a dinner making mood.  Veggie burgers and a carrot/apple/plum/almond salad.  Simple, but tasted great.  Absolutely no presentation.
 Had a meeting regarding the Duck Derby and decided to start putting the horses in just before dark instead of graining them at 5 and tucking them in at 7:30.
Went out at 7 and got everything ready....back in the house in short order.
And look who I saw!  Lily was in the neighbors garden....
 and Sophie was watching us from our yard.  She followed me to the barn.
 The cats are going to have fun on the farm wagon, now that it has been moved.

 Beautiful sky this evening.

Night all.


  1. The sky is very beautiful!
    Lovely pics as usual.
    love the sketch of the long horn.

  2. Oh happy to be here!

    Warm Aloha from Waikiki;

    Comfort Spiral

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    < ° ) } } > <

  3. I love your header picture. I had a long day at work -- so just had some popcorn for dinner. Talk about not cooking!
    Thanks for posting about Chloe. I didn't see that news elsewhere. ...knew it was coming but still so sad... Has there been enough of this already??

  4. So sad about Chloe. Wish they could all live forever. Beautiful skies.

  5. Lori, I hope that Abbe is improving. I just don't know why..but this has just been a tough summer and seems to not be letting up. Although Ollies' stifle has unlocked and his rear legs seem to be moving better, his front left is still very lame. Enough is enough. Big hug for Abbe.

  6. Sad about Chloe...such a sweet creature! Too many losses this summer.

    Need to get Abbe and Phoebe off the sick list.

    Making up sauce today...your tasty tomatoes,garlic,onions & peppers.

    Sidney is a worry!


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