Sunday, September 4, 2011


 Around 7 it was still misty....and it blossomed into a dreary grey.
 Fine with me.  Hurried through chores and went down to the Town Park to watch Finn play his first flag football game of the season.
 Right off the bat he made a touchdown.

 Brockport won the game...the weather really cooperated.  A nice breeze and a few spritzes of rain.
 Cooper, who decided not to play this year, was busy on the sidelines.
 From there I went over to Apple Creek Farm to mow the lawn.
 I was very happy not to be boiling.
 The apples are still a lot smaller than last year.
 All kinds of things were blooming in Louise's gardens.

 In the house too.
 Come to find out, Louise's sister Mary knew Sharon Creech and her husband, as her two children attended the school where Kyle was the headmaster.  Gave Louise a signed book.
Gary had started mowing the lawn here at the farm before he went down to the Welcome Center.  I finished it when I got home.

Did evening chores a little early so I would be ready to go out by 6:15.  Set up the grain and whistled for the ponies.

Dinner tonight with Ann, Ron, Brenda and Al.  Packed them each a box of veggies.
Arrived at 6:45.

You can count on yummy appetizers.
like fresh figs stuffed with goat cheese and walnuts...
lots of goodies.

Started off with carrot and fennel soup...smooth, great body and flavor
I brought a salad...different from any I've made.  Romaine, onion, red pepper, kiwi, craisins, nectarines, bananas, crumbly blue, and a poppy seed dressing.

Ann made pork...perfectly prepared.
Shredded brussel sprouts with almonds...
mashed potatoes....
and cider gravy....unbelievable!
What a meal!

After dinner we sat on the porch.  During the entire evening we had some pretty heavy conversations,
from "Food Inc." to the problems you can run into with social services to health and Brenda's upcoming trip to England.  You name it, we covered it.
Really enjoy our dinners with these friends.
Ended the evening with Brenda's gluten free strawberry shortcake, which was as good as any I have ever had.  Didn't get home 'til 11pm.  It was pouring on the way....poor visibility.  When we got here I had to put on my boots, grabbed an umbrella, and went out to close the barn doors so nothing would get flooded.
Night all.


  1. O M G!

    I'm SO hungry after this post!!!!

    LOVE visiting you...

    Aloha from Waikiki;

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


  2. Food looks scrumptious! But my favorite part jogged my memory of playing flag football in MS. Thanks for the trip back.

  3. It was a dreary day, but you made it bright with all of the lovely things that you did.

  4. What a wonderful outing. Nothing like good food and good friends.

    Thank you for our conversation. It helped a lot.

  5. How come your food always looks so good? You make me hungry! By the time evening rolls around, I'm so tired I have a hard time making a PB&J sandwich! Yet after what you do all day... you make a meal fit for Gourmet magazine! (Can you hear the jealous whine?!) ;-)

  6. Seriously that meal looks fantastic!

  7. Wow...what a day! Love the flag football games. So much fun to watch the kids. My goodness what a beautiful meal!

  8. It really looks like an enjoyable day and a perfect meal at the end of it!! I fixed a pork tenderloin on Saturday for company, it's one of my favorites--The shredded brussel sprouts sound delicious too!!

  9. It sure looks like it was a productive day..ending with some yummmE looking stuff
    Benny & Lily

  10. Such a full day w/the Skoogs, as usual. Esp. loved seeing those ponies come trotting in.

  11. P. S. Oh! And what a great connection w/Louise and the book . . .

  12. Oh I had alot to say- but when I watched the cutest video ever, of you whistling in the ponies...when the old gelding rounded the corner gingerly- Eva Cassidy's song was playing and she sang, at that moment-"we shall walk in fields of gold"...I lost it!


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