Friday, August 12, 2011


It's been 40 years, and this show (one of the largest driving competitions in the world) has stuck to it's high standards, bringing competitors in from all over the country...some from Canada.
Tina, Jill and I arrived around 10:30.  Bought our tickets, spent a little extra to become patrons (so we could eat in the special dining area)...
 and got out our cameras.
The entrance is tastefully set up and it transports you into another world.

From here on in, it's all about horses, hats and dogs.  I hope you get the feel of what it was like to be there.

 It was nice to be there with Tina and Jill.

 We happened to get there when the American Miniature classes were running.

Jill made herself comfortable near the ring while Tina and I ran around taking photos.

 There were all kinds of hats everywhere...tradition.

 Part of the property is lined with boutiques, where you can buy jewelery, clothing, antiques, horse tack and equipment and a lot more.  Top shelf all around.
 My favorite is the hat shop.

 People come in wearing hats and buy more hats.

 During the intermission we decided to have lunch...the (big buck) buffet.  Cha ching......
 I'm calling it a vacation day....what the heck.

 All kinds of goodies as well as a salad bar.

 Back out for another class....
 Hey!  There goes our county executive...didn't know she was into this horse thing.

 We decided this was the best weather we've ever had at this event.  Not too hot, a breeze and decent humidity.  What a break for the horses.
 This officer's horse was as gorgeous as any on the property.

 The demonstration was done by a trick rider from Texas.
 This kid has a lot of guts (and great balance).

When I think about standing up on my horse at a full gallop it gives me the willies!

 Took a few more shots on the way out.  Talk about turn out.  Look at how clean this pony is...and look at that harness.  Do you know how hard it is to get it that clean?
Another out of this world experience, and so close to home.


  1. Wow this just looks awesome!! Really it looks like so much fun and it sounds like you all had a great time!!

  2. Sigh, a perfect day, dogs and horses, hats and horses, people and horses. What better way to spend the day. And, you're right, that policehorse is as beautiful as any of the rest of them. We're so fortunate that in Rochester, there has been no talk about doing away with the mounted patrol, as has been done in other cities.

  3. Oh my gosh all those hats! And great looking horses! We used to saddle up and go out riding with our horse and caddie every sunday in holland when we were little. oh those good old times! ;-)

    Thanks and hope you have a great weekend!

  4. Brilliant post, Lori. Those horses are just gorgeous. BTW I can't even sit on a horse, let alone do stunts! Loved the hat shop. Imagine if Princess Kate was let loose in there! Have a great weekend. Jo

  5. A great post. This looks like my kind of day. Horses, dogs, hats and food! Really looks like a Kentucky thing!

  6. Gorgeous!!! Love seeing the photos..wish I were there. What a treat.

  7. I would have been in hog heaven!!! I have a soft spot for miniatures since I raised them for years.

    Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!

  8. The girls and I would so love a show like that. Thanks for taking us along.


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