Wednesday, August 17, 2011


 When I went out to do chores, the moon was still hangin' up there in the sky.
 It did not take long to clean the stalls...all those shavings I put in yesterday made them beautious.
 The dogs always do their best to get their feet dirty.

Today Gary had Woody come up to help him paint the house....that's where the transformation comes in.  At 9am it looked like this.
 Tina, here is a picture of that Japanese Maple that you gave us last year as a seedling.  It has really taken hold.
 I have cleaned out about 80% of the Pergola garden...need a nice cool day to finish.  Just wait.  In about 3 weeks it will look beautiful (if we have rain).
 At 11:15 I left for Brockport to visit our Massage Therapist.  Progress had been made.
Of course I can't go there without checking out the fish.

After that I parked my car on King Street (love this little alley)....
 and walked over to Main Street where there was some serious road work going on.  This is the tail end of a huge project.  It has been very hard on the merchants.
 Met Judy over at Java Junction (Gary's 2nd home).
 As per usual, I ordered the Greek panini and it met my expectations.  Roasted red peppers, feta cheese and more....out of this world.
Then we walked over to Judy's studio, which is upstairs at A Different Path Gallery.  It is just a little space....long and narrow with a window facing the street....
 But SO perfect.
 She and a friend painted it.  Found all kinds of things to outfit the space.
 Put it all together and voila.  Such and inviting space.
 Miss "techie" has a phone full of itunes and found this speaker that she can plug it into.  The sound is amazing!  Good music and painting go together.

 Got home a little after 3 and decided to make sauce.  I thought I had plenty of veggies in the house, but had to go out and pick more.

 Right now it is cooling, so I can put it in freezer bags.
 I favored the red, but am really lovin' this grey.

 Time for evening chores....Newbie and Lily were relaxing on the porch.
 I cleaned up this old chair and put a fleece on it (Sally gave me a pile of them for the dogs and cats).  So far, they are not taking advantage of it.

 Even tho the humidity kicked in, it was a very beautiful day.
 A simple dinner.
 Salad, veggie burgers and corn (cut off the cob).
Time to go tuck in those ponies.
Night all.


  1. Love the new "grey"...looks beautiful!

    Happy thoughts from Vermont.

  2. Love this variety of pics. The house is looking good.

  3. Gary works fast! I'm really liking that grey. It's a totally different look - but a good one.

  4. yes, ha ha, dogs work very hard at that. I love the shot of kitty beside the wicker chair. Oh to sit there!

    Aloha from Waikiki;

    Comfort Spiral
    > < } } ( ° >


  5. Holy cow! I can't get over how much they got done on the house! Please send Gary - I have so much painting to do before the snow comes.

  6. You got me with "corn cut off the cob". That has my mouth watering...just can't imagine how fresh that must be.

    I am beginning to thing "grey" is the new color. Took the girls shopping today and Olivia was all about getting grey this and that. You and Gary must be trendy! :)

    One day I'm going to visit Skoog Farm and it will be a glorious adventure for sure!

  7. I can identify with your transformation. I'm painting our place too. It's barn red and staying red. I paint about 3 hours a day, then enjoy my 'other day'. Less stressful!

  8. I think that the gray is lovely!

  9. As usual, a feast! The gray color gives you a whole new house - wow!

  10. I love the grey..looks crisp and tidy!


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