Thursday, August 18, 2011


 Just think....I'm on automatic pilot.

 Gary and Woody started painting the back of the house after they finished the North side.
 They are moving right along.

Jill had chore duty tonight.  Lily and Newbie are pretty established on the barn porch.

 Seymour would rather play with Gucci.

 Took a shower and went down to Kelly and Jim's for a picnic.  Gary is on the Board for the Museum Without Walls and at the end of the summer they have a spleniferous spread.
 Jim is a Master Gardener and the property is park like.
 I have never seen such gigantic hostas.
 This is ONE cherry tomato plant.  Does he have a green thumb or what?

 There's nothing like a pot luck supper.  This is what we had in addition to perfectly grilled words necessary.

 Below is our host...Jim F.

 And here is Kelly, our hostess.  They live in a dream house.
 Here is one of the better ideas I've seen lately. Their son's grandmother made him a quilt to take to college.  On one side she put many of the t-shirts he had throughout his high school career.  What kid would not like this?
 On the way out I grabbed a few shots in the dark.

 The ponies are tucked in and I am in great need of some couch time.
Night all.


  1. Ah yes, Maery still lives. And I stop by and what do you but taunt me with food! Crazy times at my job. Summer is waning and I'm packing as much of the outdoors into my days as I can. Did I mention that Latte has escaped from my fence three times? Aagh!

  2. do i see TARO??!!


    Aloha from Waikiki;

    Comfort Spiral
    > < } } ( ° >


  3. The food all looked delish but that lattice topped pie just did me in. I'm sitting here drooling...

  4. I'm afraid if I lived close by I would weigh 50 pounds more!

    Those hostas are gorgeous.

  5. I want to go to just one of the wonderful gatherings you do. The food is always so amazing! Love the very well maintained.

  6. Salivating . . .
    And esp. love that final shot!

  7. Sounds like a fantastic night out. Beautiful garden, great friends and good food...a fantastic combination.


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