Sunday, August 28, 2011

I'M BACK!!!!

Happy to be home after a rare weekend off the farm.
 On Friday afternoon, Gary and I took a nice leisurely drive to our old stomping grounds.  Part of the time we were on the Thruway and the last 30 miles or so were on narrow back roads like this one.
 Destination...Chautauqua Lake.  I grew up here.  Such nostalgia when I see that water.
 When we drove through Bemus Point I was shocked to see these condos that were not here the last time I was in the area.  Right across from the beach. 

A short time later we arrived at Mike and Barb's home...which had turned into an Inn for the weekend.  Five of us were enjoying the hospitality.   Below is the view from the front deck.  I love this lake!
 We were all here for a class reunion....Jamestown High School.

That evening, there was going to be a gathering at a place called the Vikings, and we decided to have dinner there first.

 It is a private club....for Swedes!!!!  Gary is a member and you must have a card to eat there or be with someone who has the magic card.  What a place....lots of acreage right on the lake.
 The place was packed for hours.  Excellent food.

 There I am.....
Below is Dr. Tom R., Gary's first friend when he started going to school.
 Mike was our host at the "inn."

 How is that for a great haircut????

 On Saturday, there was a tour of the high school.  Lizzie and I stayed home with her dog Fred, and vegged out by the lake.  So relaxing.

 Had lunch ready when everyone got back to the house.
 (Veggie) sandwiches from our garden.
 Around 5:30 we piled into two cars and left for Moonbrook...dinner.  I was very impressed with the turnout for these events.

 Above left is Barb...our hostess at the "inn."
 There's a group of 20 or more that has remained very close all these years...many have moved back to the area.  They have all remained very active and it is my opinion that they look damn fine considering this was their 50th reunion!  Yikes!!!!!

Before the band got in full gear, one of the classmates played a song he had written for the occasion and everyone ended up singing with him.  So cool.

 Needless to say, there was much chatter about the old days.
Home before midnight....tuned in to the weather channel to check on Irene.

This morning,  Gary and I had the pleasure of meeting one of my favorite blogging friends, Sharon Creech....the author I have spoke about so many times.  It made our day, to be greeted with such warmth.  We really enjoyed the time spent in their beautiful home and hope to have them come to the farm this fall for a visit.

Of course I had to take some pictures of all the beautiful flowers while I was there and everywhere.

Home by 2.  Egads!  The lawn looked like a pasture!!!!!  Jenny and the boys were here with her Mother-in-law (and our good friend) Pat, along with her brother "Uncle Chickie."  Jenny said she developed a great appreciation for the amount of work I do around here (horses, dogs and cats), and it was a real treat for her to cover for me so we could get away for a couple of days.  Much appreciated.
When they left, I mowed the lawn, put clean sheets on the bed, did chores and made dinner.

After a grey day, the evening ended up being very bright.
 Jenny's leftovers and a tomato salad tasted just right.  Easy.
While we were gone, my friend Madonna dropped off a basket of homemade blueberry muffins for my birthday (yesterday).  She never forgets!  Thank you my friend.
Night all.


  1. Happy Birthday and welcome home! It looks like you had a great time on your weekend away.

  2. Glad you had such a good time.
    A belated Happy Birthday, Lori!

  3. Welcome back. They sure do look in good shape since fifty years after school. Next year is our fifty years since Teacher's College. It will be in Canberra so that means a flight or two.Beautiful flowers and what a fantastic view from the deck. I'd like to live there.
    Happy Birthday yesterday.

  4. Happeeeeee birthday - wish I'd known - but glad I sent you off w/some presents anyway. We loved meeting you & Gary.

  5. Happy Birthday! What a great time you had at the reunion. Imagine seeing all of those old friends. It's always good to get back home, though, and we're all very glad to see you again.

  6. What a wonderful weekend off from chores. Looks like a really nice time.

  7. Welcome home!
    None of those folks look old enough for a 50th reunion!

  8. Happy birthday, and what a great time! :)

  9. Happy belated birthday! I can't imagine seeing people from high school. I haven't seen any of them since I graduated. It looks like you had fun! Those blueberry muffins look so good!

  10. Happy birthday Lori! And what a fun trip you had! Thanks for sharing the wonderful memories!! Welcome back!!

  11. happy belated birthday - sounds like a wonderful time at reunion and enjoyed all the pics.

  12. What a fun reunion! How fun to meet Sharon Creech! So nice to have such a wonderful horse sitter. Makes it less stressful to go out of town.

  13. Happy Birthday!!! What a nice trip you had. Been nuts here. Glad to catch up with you :-).


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