Monday, August 8, 2011

HO HUM....

 There he is...Masterpiece with his bum knee and old body, out there in the pasture with the rest of the herd.  He has started to bounce back (not normal yet).

 It was very humid in the barn this morning, but there was a decent breeze outside.
When I visited the Three Amigos, Newbie was perched in the window...
 Lily was on her plush bed....and Sophie was hiding.
 The rest of the morning was a blur.
 Leftover pizza for lunch, then headed over to Apple Creek Farm to mow the lawn.
 Drove down Canal Road....didn't see any boats on the way.
 The apples are not so plentiful in the orchard this year, and they seem behind in their growth. 
 When I got home around 4, something spooked the horses and they ALL came cantering into the paddock...even Masterpiece.  How he did that I will never know.  Could not get my camera out fast enough to take a video.  Did chores around 5.
 A beautiful evening.

Gary worked on the last section of his little orchard today.  It is looking mighty fine.  Tomorrow it should be finished.

 Took off the ponies masks, but did not put them in yet.  Too nice for that.  There was a Sophie siting as she sat in the window facing the paddock.  Can't wait to turn them out tomorrow.

 Many people stopped in for the t shirts and parking permits...only a few more days until the Duck Derby.  Hope the weather stays nice for the Art Festival.
Perhaps tomorrow will be more exciting.  Just not in a picture taking groove today.
Night all.


  1. So glad Masterpiece is doing so well.

  2. I love the photos of your horses--such beautiful animals. Really pretty orange lily. Have a nice week. Mickie :)

  3. I love the photos of your horses--such beautiful animals. Really pretty orange lily. Have a nice week. Mickie :)

  4. I'm with you... not in a picture taking mood. I just have too much on my plate as it is. Having a child with Traumatic Brain Injury plus all the other kids is really proving to be a challenge. (I don't blog about it all because I'm still dealing with a custody battle, but know the challenges are there).

    Why can't I remember what the duck derby is all about? We have a rubber ducky race during the Golden Days Parade (which I missed for the first time in 20 years being at the hospital), but not so many volunteers in shirts. Your event must be a much bigger deal. Do you sell tickets for a big prize? Maybe I should get one if money is luck has to change eventually! :)

    Must be so quiet without all the kiddos. Hope you are catching up on your rest. Reading your blog brings me a lot of comfort before I head off to bed.

  5. Gary's work in the orchard makes me want to get out in my garden and sort it out some more, but first I have to finish painting my mother-in-law's balcony.

  6. Keep getting better, Masterpeace.

    Your farm is looking lovely.

  7. I'm glad to see that Masterpiece is doing better. The orchard looks great!

  8. Glad Masterpiece is feeling a bit more normal (for him). Hopefully the canter didn't tweak anything to set him back.

    You took more pictures than I did today, so I'd say your groove is just fine!


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