Thursday, August 4, 2011


A gorgeous morning.  Not too hot.

 At 9:30 a couple of chorus members came up to turn in their Duck Derby money and picked up their volunteer tee shirts.  We must have chatted for almost two hours.
Look who's heading home from the Cape. 
The plan....Jenny was meeting Aunt Diana in Albany and the girls were going to head toward New York City to stay with her (and then go to their grandparents).
 Here they are at a restaurant leaving one set of cousins to go stay with another.
Ariana and Daniela really know how to travel.  Tomorrow....Long Beach.  I think Jenny, Finn and Cooper are going to spend a quiet weekend at home.  They all had a great time at the Cape.

Took a quick shower and we went to pick up Tina and Roger as they wanted to go in to Pier 45 for lunch.

Of course Roger and I had already checked out the menu online.
 Here's a poor copy of the lunch part.
 We placed our orders and then Tina and I took our cameras out for a walk.
 A few years ago the City of Rochester constructed a port where the Genesee River meets Lake Ontario.   It was to be the site where people could board a Fast Ferry and go over to Toronto, Canada.
We made the trip once with Carol and Topper and had the best time.  Unfortunately they lost money on it and it was sold.  What to do with the port????  Now, their are several restaurants there and our very favorite is Pier 45.  It is on the second floor and you can sit inside, on the porch or outside on the deck.
They have beautiful conversation areas out there (above).
 The view is magnificent....almost looks like you are on the ocean.

 We were right across from the Rochester Yacht Club, where a lot of sailing was taking place.

 Before long, our lunches arrived.  Tina and I had the Bergetta Burger.
 Gary had a Chicken Jerk sandwich (special).
and Roger had a classic Reuben with homemade chips.
 Valerie was our server and she was very attentive.
 By now there was a lot of activity out on the water.
 The breeze was perfect for sailing.

How would I rate this restaurant?
Ambiance-off the charts
Menu-nice variety
I give it 5 stars!
If you live around here and have never eaten it!  You won't be sorry.

 After lunch we drove home along the lakeshore.  Below is the very classic beach house at Charlotte.

 Dropped Tina and Roger off around 2:30.  Could not have had a more enjoyable time.  Thank you Roger, for treating us.  Our anniversaries are close together, so we celebrated.
 When we got home Gary got right to work on his garden.
 Sidney was waiting for us.
I went out to do evening chores while he was down at the village.
When the horses were eating their grain I payed a visit to Jill's kitties.
Sophie hid up on a shelf.
 Lily and Newbie came right over for some attention.

 Doesn't Lily (below) remind you of Sidney?
 Put the ponies back out.
Fed the dogs and it's time to relax.

 Tucked the ponies in a little before 9.
Night all.


  1. Beautiful day to enjoy water views and celebrate anniversaries!

    Looks like Sophie, Lily, and Newbie are settling in. Have Seymour and Sidney noticed them yet?

  2. so nice!

    Aloha from Waikiki;

    Comfort Spiral
    > < } } ( ° >


  3. Wow, it seems you never just have a quiet day!

    Lovely photos and day...

  4. Wow..that food looks fantastic. What a pretty and comfortable place to dine!

  5. A beautiful touristic post
    See you soon

  6. Your pictures of food are soooooo inviting! They always make me want to eat!

    My dad used to sail out of the yacht club. It was fun to see your pictures and remember some of my dad's experiences!

  7. Love the lunch looks amazing!

  8. Man, that WAS a day! But it's always good to get a way for a day or two... it refreshes.

  9. Just now trying to do a little catch-up. I believe you are becoming a cat farm rather than a horse farm! :) They are all very pretty.

    The restaurant looks awesome. Such a beautiful place.


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