Monday, August 15, 2011


I did chores and Gary left for Jamestown.  The temperature was not too bad, but the weatherman said the humidity was at 93%.

 Did a few errands during the day, then came home and actually took a nap.

A little before 6 I went down to the Rec Center to observe the Duck Derby.  For the past 16 years it has been held in the canal, with the ducks going from one bridge to the next.  Due to the construction on Main Street the Arts Festival and the Derby had to be moved.  

I must say that the course that was invented by George Dahl was a feat of engineering!!!!!
Check this out!
 It was made of plastic, held together with sandbags.  At the top was a plastic swimming pool with a water reserve behind it.
 At 6pm over 2300 ducks were dumped in the pool.

 Then, they released the water from the reserve tank so the course would get wet.

 Before long, the water was coming out quickly, creating a path that would move the ducks down the hill.
 Our Town Supervisor, Jack Milner, was waiting at the bottom to pull out the first five and last five ducks.
 Then, they pushed down the edge of the plastic pool and all the ducks were released.

Is George a genius or what?
 It worked perfectly!
 All the ducks were placed in plastic bags according to their placings and then it was time for clean up.  Karen, who kept all this duck stuff organized, did a fabulous job!
The winners will be announced shortly.

Our chorus director....Maryellen (on the left)!  With her Mom and the Duck.

Went to Wegmans for a few things...Jill did chores.  Before I knew it, it was time to tuck in the ponies.
 I was very happy to see Sidney, who hadn't been seen for two days.
 Newbie and Lily seem to like the porch on Gary's barn.  They have no fear of Gucci and Phoebe and there has been some socialization with Sid and Seymour.  I even saw Sophie in the tack room.  She knows that is home.
 Grabbed a few shots in the dark before going in for the night.

 Night all.


  1. I would love to experience 93% humidity just to see what it was like. I hear it is brutal, but until I try it I can't even grasp it since I live in such a dry climate.

    George is a genius, but kind of a bummer so much work had to go into the fundraiser. Hopefully, it will be able to move back to the canal next year.

    You are becoming quite a cat lady! :)


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