Tuesday, August 30, 2011


 Abbe was gimpy this morning so I soaked her foot and put on some Sore no More and wrapped her.  She was very curious about Lily.
 Masterpiece volunteered to come in and waited for her.
 Before I knew it, it was time for class.
 Jean was putting together a book of all her cards.

 Tina and Judy continued to work on their drawings.
At noon they went into the garden to pick some veggies.  Sidney followed us around.
 By tonight, the back of the house was all grey....lookin' good.
 How about that red pepper?
 Had to go down to my Doctor's office to get a perscription...on the way home the bridge went up to let a boat pass by.
 Of course I had to check out the fish before I left the office.

 Evening chores.....
 Picked up the house, and at 7pm we had our first drumming session at the farm.  Stan came out to get us back on track.  It felt good.
I really need some rest.
Night all.


  1. Arghh! I left a comment and blogger logged me out. What's with that noise! So if you missed the comment - your peppers are beautiful! I can taste that red one. We are big fans of Sore No More -- Brett even uses it on his aches and pains.

  2. Sweet Masterpiece :)
    Hope you had a good night's rest!

  3. That is a woppa red pepper - and those green ones look pretty snappy, too!


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