Monday, July 25, 2011


A non-picture taking day....for the most part.

 Once again, my assistants were not available for chore duty.
 It was a very cool and energizing morning...for a change.

 Ran a couple of errands, nothing too exciting.
 Today there was another hibiscus blossom brightening up the kitchen.  Thanks again Tina.

Late afternoon our friend Ted F. stopped by for a visit (from Colorado).  He has family in Rochester and Buffalo...catches us in between.  I put together a quick dinner and forgot to take pictures before most of it was gone.  Not my day.
 pickled beets and a roll toasted with provolone cheese on top.
 At 7 we (all the kids, Jen and me) were invited to Roger's Home Theater for a movie.
One of my all time favorites.

I loved everything about it...the photography, the lack of dialog in the first half hour, the timing, Micky Rooney played a great roll, Alec was perfect and an outstanding rider...pure pleasure, magnificent horses (can't remember how many they used to film this).

 Finn snuggled up to DJ...who was such a good boy.

 Daniela met Cosmo.
Took this shot in the dark before we left.
Night all.


  1. The Black Stallion... my favorite book as a kid and one of my favorite movies. So beautiful. Every horse crazy kid's dream...

  2. You call that a nonpicture taking day? The usual good looking meal and flowers. What more do you need?

  3. For not many photos- you took some good ones, especially the flowers and foods!

    Yes, I love The Black Stallion too. I was fortunate to see Cass Ole, the main horse star, in person at an Arabian horse show and he is a real beauty. The little boy, Kelly Reno, is in another horse movie along with John Savage, another great horseman actor, in Brady's escape. Check it out on YouTube. They have the complete movie. It's a war movie and it is sad but there is also some amazing Hungarian horsemanship.

  4. Ah, The Black Stallion. One of my favorites, too. The very best thing about Christmas and my birthday used to be the new Black Stallion book I knew I would find under the tree. I'd devour it in one day. That's a lovely memory, thanks for bringing it back.

  5. The Black Stallion - I still have the entire book collection from when I was a kid. They are worn from much reading/re-reading.

    I have yet to see the movies though - maybe I should.

  6. I love the picture with your grand son and the dog. Very kind
    Good night

  7. One of my favorite movies. Beautiful shot in the dark of the flower.

  8. I love the scene on the boat with the sugar cubes. That's one movie that lived up to the book. Both beautiful.

  9. One of my very favorite movies..the underwater shots are just amazing.

  10. That is definitely a timeless classic. Interesting shot through the fly mask!


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