Sunday, July 31, 2011


I am very sorry to say that we lost L'orange Marmalade today.  One of the sweetest cats I have ever known.  Just a couple of days ago he was sacked out on our bed dreaming of good things.  He loved to be in the house with us and will be greatly missed.

I still had to do chores and carry on.
 Jill was here...brought along Casey.

 We visited her kitties in the grooming/tack room.
 They won't approach me yet, but at least came out of hiding when they heard Jill's voice.
 Took a shower and went down to the Farm Market.

 Home by 11.  Gary was still working on his walk through the fruit tree garden....
 I picked another wagon full of onions.
 The plum tomatoes are getting pretty big.
 Grabbed a couple of egg plants.
 Did not have pm chore duty.  We went over to Apple Creek Farm for dinner.

 Their orchids were in full bloom.
 I made a cucumber and tomato salad with a little onion and extra sharp cheddar cheese.

 We had two different kinds of chicken....
 Veggie lasagna...

 and nice, crusty rolls.

 Dessert was organic vanilla ice cream with peaches, berries and whipped cream.  An outstanding meal.
 Left for home about 8:30.  The sky had some pretty dramatic clouds.

 Took off the ponies masks and tucked them in about 9:30.  Newbie was observing.
 I wonder if Seymour realized he was in the window.
 Night all.  Rest in Peace Orange.


  1. Oh no what happened to L'Orange...

  2. Oh, Lori - I'm sooooo sorry. What happened to that wonderful orange cat? (everyone's favorite, I think) He sure had a wonderful life once he adopted you (smart cat).

  3. Oh Lori, I am so sorry. You know how much I admired him. I could feel and see how special he was. I am so sorry, dear.

  4. There is a special place in my heart for big orange tom cats. I am sorry for your loss.

  5. oh no, Lori, what happened to dear Orange? I'm so very sorry for your loss. (((Hugs))) Jo

  6. I am so sorry for your loss of your wonderful orange kitty - he was a beauty.

  7. Sorry to hear of the death of your friend.


  8. Oh Lori-I am so terribly sorry...I am crushed. I loved L'Orange and thought he was the luckiest kitty to have adopted you and Gary. I am sending a millions hugs and love your way. What a sad day indeed...

  9. Am very sorry to hear you lost your beautiful L'Orange kitty.

    I apologize if I'm missing something on your page, but I would LOVE some of the recipes of the food you show in your posts here. Do you post these some where?

  10. So sorry to hear about L'Orange. He was a beautiful kitty and I know he will be missed.

  11. Oh, I'm sick. He was my favorite, as you know. I feel so badly for you, Lori. I know that your heart must be hurting. ((((((((Hugs))))))))))

  12. I am so sorry.

    The photos are amazing.

  13. Oh my!!! I am just reading this!! I am so so sorry about L'Orange. I wish that I could give you a big hug. I am so sorry...

  14. I am very sorry for your loss. What happened? Of course, the orange kitty was my favorite as I had one that looked the same once upon a time. looking back through posts Gary sure has transformed the area into something very neat. What a lot of work he put in!

    Don't you just love cucumbers? I do, too, but I read that they are actually pretty "useless" as in we don't get a lot from them. Still has to be better than a bag of chips though. :) I have so many that are a foot long after my absense. Do you have any good jarring/pickling recipes? I'd like to do something with them this weekend.

  15. Oh sadness ...wondered why I was not seeing ALL your kitties...had to come back to research. Im terribly sorry Lori, L' Orange was so special. He will be missed by me too.
    Glad Seymour is still with you...he is my favorite...tabbies always will be.
    The new bunch certainly does look wild...they hopefuly will settle in .


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