Friday, July 29, 2011


This was the last full day in Brockport for Ariana and Daniela.  They spent the night at Jenny's so I was on my own for chores.
Not too bad when I got out to the barn.

There was a lot of moisture in the air.

Finally it rained...lots of rain....the grass got greener before my eyes.

Time for lunch.  I had my first tomato sandwich of the season.  Could (and probably will) have one of these everyday until the tomatoes are gone.
Shortly after noon the sky cleared up and it was another beautiful day.
Muggy tho.....
L'orange sacked out on the back porch.
I got the lead out and mowed the lawn....I ride the lawn tractor and do about an acre and a half....Gary does the hand mowing.

Jill did chores tonight.  She and Ralph were picking the pasture when I got home from Weggies.

Gary got his farm wagon all organized and put a sign out by the road.  Garlic and onions.

Dinner at Jenny's tonight.  Tacos and Black Bean Buritos.

Her hydrangeas have never looked so good.
The lettuce Gary planted in one of her huge pots has grown like crazy.
The Rose O Sharon has more blossoms than ever before.
I like to put a soft shell on my plate first...then add lettuce, black beans, tomatoes, cheese, salsa and sour it with a knife and fork.

We left by 8pm so the girls could pack their suitcases (they brought every piece of clothing they own...I swear).  A small one for Cape Cod and the rest in their big cases for the time they spend in New York with their Aunt and other Grandparents.  Except for what they were wearing tonight, everything else was washed.  Some load.

The sky was very dramatic tonight, as we drove down Route 19.

I played around with the color on this one....looks a little "southwest."
Took the ponie's masks off a little before 9....
 By 10 we had a little more rain and the girls went out with me to tuck them in for the night.
 Too dark for good shots.
 Don't you love their outfits?  (They had been swimming earlier).
They said their goodbyes to Belle, Berlin, Abbe and Masterpiece.

Night all.


  1. I'm going to miss those smiling faces on your Journal. What a nice visit you all have had.

  2. A busy day as usual. The girls look fun ti have around. Everything is growing well. Is that due to lots of rain and lots of heat?

  3. Your grandchildren are always going to cherish happy memories of their summers with you at Skoog Farm.

  4. it must be wonderful living in such a beautiful place. You never fail to make us hungry
    Benny & Lily

  5. That tomato sandwich needs my hands on it! We are heading to Cape Cod in mid-Aug....just itching to get going! Love the sunset pics...thanks again!

  6. Oh your Grandchildren are adorable. I love your photos. I especially like the ones cleaning the stable I don't know why they just made me feel very moved. Great. B

  7. Oh no! I will miss the cute pictures of the girls. But what a wonderful visit you've given them.

  8. must be two summers now that I've got to share your adventures with the girls. Where does the time go? They have such beautiful smiles and I'm sure are just as beautiful through and through. Sorry to see them go. I've enjoyed their visit.


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