Monday, June 6, 2011


 This is one of the first things I saw when I went out to do chores this morning.  Apparently the baby inside made an escape, as the other side of the egg was pecked open.  It was right outside the door to the grooming room.  I moved about a dozen blankets and sheets over there in an attempt to clean out a stall that was being used as a storage area.
 Another gorgeous start to the day.
 Still buggy.
 There was a sale on market umbrellas, so I went down after chores and got one.
 Now my art students can work outside in the shade.
 More flowers have appeared.
 I posted a photo of this peony as a bud yesterday.
 I attacked three of the front gardens and pulled out tons of sticky weeds.  My arms look lovely.
 In the meantime, Gary put up the three trellises on the pergola.
 Picked some spinach for dinner.
 Seymour snoozed on the back porch and Sidney never showed up until 6 tonight.  Scared me.
 Went back down to get another umbrella.
 This will be a perfect place to go read...I'm sure Gary will try it out soon.
 Monday night...this time Finn and Coop came up for dinner while Jen went to a dinner meeting.
They helped me sweep the aisle out after chores were done.
 They love going upstairs and looking down the chute (hay is stored upstairs and we throw down a weeks worth at a time through this opening).
 Put the ponies back outside.

 My assistants were ready to go back in the house after they explored the entire property.

 They had left the bubble making equipment here a long time ago, and spent some time having fun with it.
 Simple pleasures....

 The boys were picnicked out from the weekend, so they had mac and cheese, sliced BBQued chicken and apples.
 Seeing we had that lovely gift of dinner yesterday, we saved a gigantic chicken breast and made....
you guessed it!  Another big salad...this time with that spinach I picked earlier.  A side of leftover BBQued green beans too.
 A nice, mellow evening....
 The outdoor ring is finally dry enough to drag....will do that tomorrow.
Night all.


  1. Where to start?

    That salad looks good.
    Those boys are cute!
    Love the market umbrella...think I need one.
    I also need a trellis.

  2. Love your pergola. I'm the only person I know that uses that word (and I work part-time for our daily paper and do real estate stories. By the time I'm finished, EVERYONE will know the word (or will know who wrote the story ;o) Love your salad, too. Your pictures have inspired me to be a bit more adventurous in my menu planning.

  3. Another bountiful day at Skoog Farm! Love the red umbrellas and the pergola, the horses and kids, oh, all of it.


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