Sunday, May 29, 2011


 Who knew what the weather was going to be today?  Started out around 60 and ended up at 84.
 Decided to put the ponies on the pastures that I had mown a few days ago.
 Barb helped with chores...we are a good team.  Never, never have I had someone who just knew what to do.  She works very hard for the comfort of all the ponies.

Sally wondered what kind of plant was going to grow up Gary's beautiful creation.
Here it is...
 Gar was down at Jen's by 7:15 to watch the boys.  I did a few things around the house.
 The other day we bombed out in our search for chairs, but today we found just what we wanted.  Two black leather Club Chairs to go with our black leather couch.
It's all Brenda and Al's fault.  When they gave us this beautiful oriental rug, we just had to spiff up the kitchen!  Delivery on Thursday...yay!!!!!
 By the time we got home, it had really gotten warm outside.  The kitties were lounging on the back porch.

 L'orange Marmalade wants to be a movie star when he grows up.

Gary had duty at the Welcome Center and I needed to mow the lawn....ALREADY.

 Do you know what this plant is?  Comfrey.  My friend Andrea (the horse trainer from England) gave us this little tiny plant many years ago, and it is now 4 feet high and about eight feet in diameter.  It can be used as a poultice for horses.  What did I know???
 So I mowed....
 and mowed....
 All the rain has given us very green, beautiful grass.  My friends Sue, Terry, Annette and Gayle are all talking about how dry it is where they live...  Some strange weather.

84 degrees and humidity brought out lots of bugs.  The ponies stayed in the indoor much of the day with all the doors and windows open.  They were finally interested in going back out once it clouded over...just when I went out to grain them.

 Went in to make dinner and look who was sleeping on my clothes in the bedroom!
 Had to have a lighter dinner tonight.  One of those big salads with chicken, onion, pears, apples, crumbly blue and a few slivered almonds.  I know, it's a gigantic ...but that's all we had and we are hogs (I guess).

 Storm warnings for tonight...and 90 degrees in the forecast by mid week.
Night all.


  1. I so enjoy my visits here!

    Aloha from Honolulu

    Comfort Spiral




  2. Those are great looking your style!

    The thunder is roaring in. Glad it held off so all could enjoy the day.

  3. The lawns are just beautiful. I would love to have that much grass for the kids to run about on. One day we'll get the back lawn in, but in dry times like this it would probably be brown!

  4. I just love all your animals, but L'Orange Marmalade was a star in your post today. Isn't it super when you can work together with someone. You have so many chores, glad you have help.Wow, on your kitchen chair and rug. I love that your kitchen resembles a living room! Thanks for your visits to my blog, Lori. To answer your question about how long we'll stay in Kenya, at least two more years and then perhaps Grant will renew his contract and we'll stay a while longer. Have a great day. (((Hugs))) Jo

  5. Looks a sensible, tasty, and healthy meal to me, Lori. Wish we lived nearer. I'd scrounge an invite.
    Warm regards, Mike and Ann.

  6. Hey, my dinner salads require a trough! :)

  7. Love your new chairs! They look really comfortable. L'orange has really turned into a sweetheart. So beautiful he deserves to be a star!

  8. Sounds like we'll be having your weather today. Yuck! I'm hoping things dry enough to cut the grass. Looks like more rain up ahead all week. I noticed your checkerboard floor. Linoleum? I'm considering pulling out carpeting in my bedroom and office. Dang puppy. People frown at the mention of linoleum but I've seen some wonderful colors and patterns and it would fit my life better than carpeting. The puppy has been accident free for awhile but I'm not counting on mishaps being completely over.

  9. Excellent post. I also liked your photographs. I wonder how many people know what the things are over the horses eyes? I have not seen them in years. We used to use fly nets like a harness almost . They worked.

    I will follow you for a while. I enjoyed this visit.

  10. Love the chairs and the animals and the green green grass so beautifully mowed--all your pics seem extra crisp lately-which camera are you using? Glad to learn about comfrey and am continually intrigued that the horses need face masks for the bugs--I'd not known that until I saw it in your blog a couple weeks ago.

  11. Great photo of the bluejay, and I'm in love with L'orange.


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