Saturday, May 14, 2011


 Grey, a little humid...bugs or no bugs?
 Barb helped with was a little spittie out off and on.

 At 10am a friend (Jan C.) arrived with her Haflinger and assistant (Justine) to do a little work away from home (in preparation for an upcoming driving show).
Brutus is his name.  Janet had some goals for today, which included lounging inside and outside.

 My ponies were very curious.

 Next on the agenda was line driving.  It got me so psyched I asked to do a little.
 Justine has been working with Janet for months and will be helping her at the driving competitions this summer.  She has learned a lot already.
 His regular harness was switched for a racing harness and he was hooked to a cart.
 Again, he was worked inside and out.
 A real gentleman... did everything he was asked to do.
 While they put everything back in the trailer, Brutus had some free time in the indoor.

 He can come back anytime.  Such a good boy.

Took a shower, made a salad and loaded my drums in the car for a trip to Webster with my drumming friend Jackie.  Our group was attending the graduation party (Masters) for one of it's members.
 We got there a little early and went for a cruise down toward the lake.
 Some beautiful neighborhoods out that way.

When we arrived at the party, I forgot my camera in the car and did not get any photos.
Had to be home by 6 as Jenny and the boys were coming for dinner.  Jackie stayed ...who knows, maybe they are still drumming!

On the way home I grabbed a few shots.  It was still raining.

 Had to go through Rochester.
 Fortunately, Gary got things going for dinner and set the table.  I arrived just in time.

 Finn brought along this book and spent a long time asking us questions!  He just got it today and already knows a lot of the answers.
 Even tho it was sprinkling, Jen wanted to go for a run.

Within 10 minutes there was a torrential downpour and by the time she got home, was soaked to the skin.
 Finn and Coop figured that going out in the rain would be fun...

 So they got soaked too.

At 9pm they left (after I dried their clothes) and now it's time to crash.
Night all.

I wonder how things are going in the Big Apple.....


  1. I just love the color on Haflingers. What a good boy. It looks like a fun day. I've never tried driving - looks like a lot of fun.

  2. How cool is that! What a cutie! Glad you got to line drive.

    Finn looks so mature in the photo with the book, and then you see him playing in the rain, a little boy again. Nice.

  3. Hi Lori, If your friend and Brutus would like to test out his driving skills, there is going to be an open/fun driving/riding/leadline show at my place on June 11th. I can get you a class list if she's interested. Just let me know and I will drop one or two off!! It's 5 dollars a class or $25.00 for the whole day! Should be fun for anyone with an equine(there will be donkeys/mules there also).

  4. Beautiful Brutus
    beautiful people
    beautiful laugh
    beautiful rain . . .

  5. I remember when rain was fun. My cousin and I used to put on adult sized rubber boots that came up to our thighs and big rain jackets. We'd wade around in the lake and then go swimming. The water felt warm compared to the air. The dogs and I went for a walk in the woods during the rain yesterday. I think they enjoyed it more than I did.


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