Monday, May 30, 2011


 Last night was pretty scary around here.  Severe storm warnings "stay away from your windows", wild winds, heavy rain and yellow lightning.  Fortunately it passed through very quickly.  All that water has made the hostas grow like crazy.
 Muggy and buggy....
 Barb helped with chores...a bonus day.  She will be building a barn at her place and getting a pasture mate for King Mustafa.  Having him home will make her very happy.
 Gary planted tomatoes, red and green peppers, and parsley.

 He was soaked by the time he came in for lunch.
 Seymour was lovin life.
Jenny and the boys arrived around one.
 We started off with some extra sharp cheddar cheese, crackers and pepper jelly.
 Cranberry spritzers....
 and traditional picnic fare.
 Finn and Coop found Grampa's old license plates and wanted to take them home.

 It was very hot and Finn was ready to go home to their cool basement family room.

 They left around 2:30 and had another party to attend.  Tomorrow Jenny gets a new car.
 I decided to attack the big pasture as the buttercups were out of control.
 It was still pretty wet, but I was able to mow 80% of it.
Went in to cool off before it was time to do evening chores.

Taking the rest of the evening off.
Night all.  Tomorrow it is supposed to be a record breaking 95 degrees!


  1. Your hostas are beautiful! That is one of the many plants that I absolutely cannot grow here. We had frost this morning... Memorial Day... you have got to be kidding...

  2. I sure can do with a little warm weather around here,although I am told that our coldest winter weather here is more like a coolish summery day there!

  3. Can't complain about the much better than cold!! Enjoy.

  4. It sure looks like summer is in full swing. Why do the horses have face masks? (You can tell I'm not a farmer)

  5. Stay cool today..record heat for us, too!

    Those photos were just pure Summer :)

  6. It's not as bad today as yesterday. Hate the mug and the bugs, too hot too early for me. This is August weather. You can't make a move without getting soaked. Love your header and the hosta's look great.

    I've seen a lot of cars lately with the really old original N.Y. plates back in orange. Stay cool.

  7. Horses look great! And ohmygosh, yes, the rains leave and now it's the super heat and humidity. These wild swings are leaving me dizzy.

  8. You will surly miss King Mustafa and I know that a certain little grey girl will also miss him. Hot here too!

  9. It is muggy and buggy here in Virginia too!! The heat is really awful, and they say we're supposed to get a break from it, saying it'll be about 90...That's a break? Doesn't it make you a bit nervous about the rest of the summer???

    I'm glad you had an enjoyable Memorial Day!!

  10. Sun and heat...waiting for it forever, here, and it arrived now bug city...fixed them we tore off to the beach...perfect there. Pepper jelly...mmm...the best on anything...seriously...if it's on the table I will put it on something...mmm again!

  11. liked the post and photos...sounds so hot there..


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