Saturday, May 7, 2011


 A beautiful morning.  Barb was here helping with chores so it didn't take very long.

 I frequently catch Sidney underneath the water trough, which is up on blocks.

 Three of the horses amble out, but I can always count on Berlin to canter to the big pasture when they have not been on it for a few days.  She must get bored in the other two.
 At 10 we headed over to a local swap and shop....jammed with all kinds of horse related items.

 Saw many familiar faces, including this one.  Kathy hates to have her picture taken....but she sure looks good in this one.  Barb bought a couple things and I just chatted with all the people I have not seen in ages.  We left at 11.
 Worked on the house for tonight's dinner party and at 1, a few of us got together for some drumming.

 We played out on the deck in front of the Studio Barn.  The weather was still very nice.

 Got a call from Jean, who just returned from California.  She and Jim were able to join us tonight so I put my last leaf in the table and set it for 16.

 Got a few things mushrooms and onions to go on the steaks.
 Set up drinks and glasses on the back porch.
 Made a name toothpick for each person so we could identify the steaks that were brought.  Remember, we were having a "Cheap Steak Dinner" tonight.
 Everyone arrived by 6:30, armed with dishes to pass.

 Gary had two grills going to make sure there was enough room to do 16 steaks at once.

 We started off with a cup of "drunkin cheddar" soup made and served by Ann.  We ate it outside.
 Gary and his associates prepared the steaks....
(Ma)Donna, who was the real host of this party, showed off her plate.
 We had....fruit salad
 macaroni salad....

 scalloped potatoes
 potato salad
 and a gigantic green salad.

 What a plate full!

 At least 6 conversations were going on at once.

 Simple desserts...
 Perfect after that huge meal.

The sounds of happy people.

 A great time with good friends. 

Before they left I gave everyone who had a pup some leftover goodies.
Could I be more tired?????  Boy, am I glad Barb did chores tonight.
Night all.


  1. What a wonderful way to spend time with friends.

  2. Looks like the Cheap Steak Dinner was a huge success....and the weather was perfect.

    Love Berlin moving out to the big pasture. Looks like he knows something the others don't.

  3. Lori & Gary,
    Another outstanding dinner! Roger and I are so lucky to be among those happy people enjoying great food & great company at SKOOG FARM.

    Thank you so much for having us.
    Tina & Roger

  4. What a great evening--loved that you recorded the sounds at the table--only you would think of that! Hope you got a good rest.

  5. P. S. And I loved seeing Berlin run!


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