Monday, May 23, 2011


 Mustafa was waiting for me when I got out to the barn.
 So was Berlin.

 Thought it was going to rain all day, but it started out very well.
 After chores I went over to see Chloe and her new foal, Calypso. (Full post below)
On the way home it started pouring.  Fortunately it stopped and the horses were able to tough it out.
 Then, I started pulling those sticky weeds out of the gardens.  Made a little progress.
 The Iris have started blooming...such rich color.
Gary continued to work in the garden, planting beets. 

At 5 we met Jenny and the boys at the StoneYard for dinner.  Finn and Coop were finally going to get their wings dinner.

 They were busy designing a sports shirt on their placemats.

 Does this look familiar?

 From there, we went over to the Tower Fine Arts building for the annual art show k-12.

 It took a while to locate Coop's project, but Grampa came to the rescue.
 The place was bursting with people.

 The auditorium (where the awards were passed out) was filled to capacity and many had to stand out in the lobby.
 One more example of what this community is all about.

 Home, changed and out for chores.

 Instead of going back to the pasture, the ponies chose the indoor.

Time to watch dancing.
Night all.


  1. Cute kids art. Looks like a really fun day.

  2. When I check your blog, I always wonder how your day will end, what will they be eating, where will they be going, and so on. I'm having so much fun reading about your fun life. I love the horses too. No, I haven't tried the translator thing. I tried it for some other language and it took forever, so I gave up. Some day, I hope to try to figure it out. I have a lot of foreign followers by now.--Inger


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