Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Today was just one of those days.

 On top of that, it rained all night.  Thunder and lightning too.

 Water, water everywhere.
 many drops to drink....
 The temperature was supposed to go up in the 60s and then plummet to 40 or lower.
Raining.  Sheets off.  Sheets on.

Finished chores, took a shower and went down for an appointment with the massage therapist.
Boy did I need it.  Totally destroyed my knees and left hip trying to move a heavy duty ladder (over 35 feet) the day Seymour got stuck in the peak of the barn.  Won't do that again.  Major strain.
 The only color in my day was her space and the fish in the tank downstairs.

 Back home to do some work on the Arts Festival before going out to do chores.

When Gary said he wanted to go down to the corner diner for dinner, I was all for it.
 By the time we got home, it looked the same way it did this morning.

Who said Spring had sprung?
Night all.


  1. Grey indeed, but I see green buds on your tree, you lucky thing!
    I'm sorry about your knees and hip. I hope Seymour doesn't go up there again.

  2. Hi Lori! I wish spring wasn't so moody too! I just have a feeling with all this rain we're getting that it's going to end up being a dry summer...I hope I'm wrong...I also hope your day is ending on a good note!!

  3. Hi Lori, I hope you have some warmer weather and a little sunshine over the weekend. Blessed Easter to you and yours. Jo

  4. Sorry you've still got miz weather there. We've just spent two days in London, and the weather was like high summer there!!! Roses in flower, and horse chestnuts in full bloom. Oh well. It'll be your turn soon.
    Regards, Mike and Ann.

  5. Hope you feel better in no time Lori! We are in the middle of a rainstorm right now!

  6. The willows are dancing in the wind to the tune of your radio/music. . . . Those windy gray days are good for putzing and napping. . .too bad there are regular chores to do.

  7. Those are the days I remember...not too fondly!
    We have the wind out here - it is awful. Usually, though we have some sunshine -not yet, today, though. We have fog swirling in the wind.
    Love the middle goldfish picture - the colors are iridescent - love the purple, which I'm assuming is a trick of the light.
    Soon you'll have some gorgeous flowers from all that rain and your weather will be perfect!

  8. All those pictures and videos (especially) are making me cold! Love the first picture of Abbe and ? I should know all their names by now... sorry!

  9. Depressing weather for sure. We've got major wind and rain too. Today not so bad. A massage therapist sounds like just the ticket.

  10. Beautiful blog! Wishing you sunny days soon. We too are ready to get out our snorkels in MD... But no rush for sun as that usually leads us straight into drought. ;-)

  11. Lori,
    I so enjoy my tours around your farm... your header photo has three of my favorite things... horses picket fences and a barn! I gave you a little shout out in this weeks post for farmgirl friday.... The dishes you create here look so delicious!
    thanks for your entry... wishing you sunshine soon!


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