Friday, April 1, 2011


This is what Friday looks like.  I am participating in Farm Friend Friday which is now being co-hosted by Farm Girl Friday.  Then, there's SkyWatch Friday and today Gary has First Friday down at the Alumni House.  What's a girl to do? 
To participate or view other posts regarding these subjects, you can go to my sidebar and click on the logos.

I just got in from the barn and have no great sky shot as it is super grey out there for the second day in a row.  So here is one from three days ago.
The grass was green and then it snowed again.  Now it has melted, but their ain't no sunshine!

We do, however, have some signs of spring.

Behind the windmill, you can see how brilliant it was this morning.

 Gary's garlic is 5 inches high.
One of the gardens is ready for planting...first the spinach will go in.

All the above shots were taken before I went out to do chores this morning.  There was no wind and the temperature was approaching 40, so I took off the horse's blankets and did a little grooming.  Tons of hair came off.

King Mustafa looks gigantic!  I see a diet in his future.  The vet suggested we give him more grain for the winter and va voom!  He is 17 hands and weighs over 1450 pounds.  Pretty soon he will be 24 years old.
 Masterpiece is almost 33 and his coat was a disaster!  The hair was coming out by the handfull in his shoulder area.
 Abbe was nice and clean...for a minute.
 Berlin will be shed out shortly.
 It started to rain, so I put their sheets on and voila!
 Within 5 minutes, 3 out of 4 rolled.

 I finally finished up and headed for the house.
 More signs of spring.

All this, before 10:30.  Back later to finish out the day.

Now, it's 3:45.  I have been to the Credit Union, raked part of the lawn and practiced a little drumming.

 In spite of the on again off again snow, the rhubarb continues to push out of the ground.  We have 16 big healthy plants that could be separated into at least 50.  That's a major load.  I plan to send some out to Annette at Aspen Meadows.

After I did some raking, Abbe came up to the paddock gate and insisted that I take her picture.

She is my "photo pony."

au natural....mud and all....

I just can't resist her.

 Mustafa, Berlin and Masterpiece (his picture was not good enough to post) were hanging around in the paddock.

Now it's time to go to the college for First Friday.  Later.....

First Friday....

Then Chores.

 Beautiful evening.

 Off to play bridge.
 Night all.


  1. Hahaha! Good dirty little ponies! So funny how they love to roll right after being groomed!

    The King looks quite healthy :)

    I love your herd!

    Glad you are seeing signs of spring...all we are focusing on right now is not being blown away. The winds have been consistently horrific for 3 days!

    Scritches to everyone!

  2. All the new growth must be so promising. We are still awhile from that.

  3. Horses have so much character. I think all animals are as eager for warmer weather as we are.

    I think it's really happening!! Spring! Down at the inlet "our" pair of ospreys have returned. This weekend it should be warm enough that I can do some more work on my new greenhouse. I'm so excited. Yea growth!

  4. Snowing here again too! Our horses look just like yours.

  5. You are a wee bit ahead of us springwise...and...we are being clobbered by a nor'easter...thanks so much April 1st. The cats are having a great time in that tree. Enjoy your weekend. PS yes the water was a bit nippy as usual on the beach!

  6. Spring is springing at last--ta da! It's going to be beautiful, isn't it?!

    Hadn't realized horses shed like dogs--another reason I like your daily walks w/the camera . . . Also hadn't realized they liked to roll in the mud like dogs. . .Harder to clean tho, mm? Aren't you glad they aren't trekking through the house?

  7. I suppose it's something like -- I mopped the floors today, so I suppose it will rain and the dogs will track all over it tomorrow?

    Everything looks like Spring has sprung -- especially those naughty kitties. :)

  8. Love your pics and yeah spring yeah spring. B

  9. Whoo-hoo! Rhubarb!! That Abbe... talk about a movie star! She has such a beautiful expressive face.

  10. The horses are just beautiful! Abbe certainly is a very photogenic girl.

  11. You've had a busy day, now cards!

    I'd open 2 clubs. Do you play the strong 2 club bid?

  12. I do agree my camera would be taking looks of pictures of her too.


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