Sunday, March 27, 2011


Gorgeous sunrise.

 Up and at 'um.
 Pretty crispy for Phoebe and the coats.....
 Barb helped with chores and once again we fed the horses where the sun was shining.

Gary went into a Home and Garden Show and I got the house set up for drumming this afternoon.
At 1:30 some pals showed up to visit the horses.  They were visiting family in the area.
 Clyde (who was one of my students many years ago),  and two of his children brought up a bag of apples and were game for going out in the paddock.
 What I would give to do a serious photo shoot with these beautiful children.  Maybe when they come back in two weeks to watch their grandfather perform in Sankofa.
 The oldest daughter has hit it off with Abbe since they met last year.
 Of course the apples were a big hit.
 Gucci and Phoebe received a lot of lovin'.

 Drumming was extra fun today.  We added bells, shakers and the bass drum I made.  A good turnout and we really loved getting in a groove once we knew what we were doing.

Here's a short video of how we got started.
Did not even think about making dinner...  While I did chores, Gary drove to Bergen where there is a great pizza/deli called Ralph & Rosies.
 The ponies were tucked in by 6:45....
 Right when the sun was going down.
Goodnight Masterpiece.  Goodnight Abbe.  Goodnight Berlin.  Goodnight Mustafa. 
Goodnight John Boy!

 Here's the dinner.  A nice big salad and two pieces of pizza made with sweet sauce.  Are you drooling yet?  It's some of the best around.  We've had our cal quota for the day.
Night all.


  1. Those two young ladies are beautiful.

  2. Glad you had a nice sunny day. The children are beautiful, and the drumming sounded great!

  3. Makes sun worship a litte more understandable after this winter.

  4. Those children are lovely...wish you could do a photo shoot!

  5. makes my day when i read your blog. lovely children, cute animals, art, music and more and more. thank you for all of it. you never know, it might even make me want to blog.

    suffolk sue, (friend of the armoury)

  6. Mountain Mama is #56 on Verde Farm Friday

  7. Yep, those are photogenic children--too too cute. And we had a pizza and salad dinner last night, too. Mm, mm.

  8. love the detail on the horse ! and that pizza looks so yummy. wow

  9. Looks like you had a full day. Love all your photos as usual.


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