Saturday, March 26, 2011


It was around 10 degrees this morning.
 But that lucky old sun....
 made things quite bearable....
 Barb helped with chores.  We put the hay in the warmest spot.

 Seymour and Sidney were quite happy to go back in the house....L'orange was smart enough to stay in from the beginning.
 This was a real drumming day.  First I went to the Seymour Library, as the Children's Librarian (Jeff D.) set up a gig with Jeff M. (the leader of the Skoog Farm Drum Jams). Several kids and parents showed up to participate.
 From there I went directly over to the college for the regular drumming session with Khalid.
There were at least 19 people there.  Next week we are going as a group to see "The Lion King" in Rochester.  Garth Fagan, the choreographer, used to teach here at the College of Brockport and his home base is still in the area.  We are honored to have such a talented person in our community.

I took this short video today, so you could see the two people that are the core of Sankofa (the African Dancing and Drumming Ensemble from the Dance Department of SUNY Brockport).  In two weeks they will be putting on their annual sells out every year.
Clyde Morgan and Khalid Saleem.
We kept busy for 3 solid hours.

As soon as I got home dinner was started.  Jen was joining us.

I decided to make "Chicken Virginia."  Could not find the recipe, so it ended up being the Skoog Farm version of "Chicken Veronique."
 I started by cutting 3 boneless chicken breasts in half...put them in a plastic bag and pounded them flat with a small iron frying pan.  Then I added salt, fresh ground pepper, some lemon zest and drizzled butter.  Let it sit for 10 minutes.
 Into the frying pan.
 Set aside.
 Added a chopped medium onion and sauteed until soft.
 In the meantime, I toasted some walnuts.
 Then it was time for the gravy.  I added flour, chicken stock and lemon juice to the pan the chicken was cooked in.  For good measure, I slipped in a shot of white wine.  Poured it all on the chicken and put it in the oven for about half an hour...during the last 5 minutes I added green grapes.

Jenny made a salad of mixed greens, onions and pears with a poppy seed dressing.
 We also had mashed potatoes and a side of carrots.
 Here's how it looked, garnished with the toasted walnuts.

 This was a delicious meal!
Lucky for me, Barb had chore duty tonight.  
That's all for now.
Night all.


  1. nice one of the sun,

    dinner looks delicious, may I come for dinner?

  2. Oh man, that dinner looks AMAZING! I just had dinner and reading this is making me hungry all over again.

  3. Skoog Farm Chicken looks like a winner!

  4. I am always amazed at the food combinations you choose and that they just seem to work. I've never toasted walnuts before...weird I know...I've toasted pretty much everything why not walnuts...don't know. Now I will....mashed fave...I could eat them with anything and everything...the crazy Irish in me I guess. Looks like it's still winter as well...a very cool March compared to last year. I have a few bulbs blooming...snowdrops galore (singles and doubles) and 3...yes 3 croci! Cheers!

  5. Mmmmmm, mmmmmm. (And I still can't get over how you have two days in the time I have only one.)

  6. Oh *sigh* Lori, all looks so homely and warm in your home. And yummy food. I keep meaning to reply to your question/s on my blog: Yes, we have two seasons in East Africa, the Wet and the Dry. It will rain for about a month-six weeks and then peter out until Mid-March next year.All is so green and lush - too beautiful. Have a great evening. Blessings Jo

  7. oh my! that supper looks amazing!


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