Saturday, March 5, 2011


 Yesterday, I drove to Jamestown with Jeff and Joan to participate in a Rhythm Renewal Drum Circle.
After talking through our exit and getting into town the long way, we parked the car and went to The Pub for a quick dinner.  That's where we saw these beautiful fish.

From there, we went back to the car and picked up our drums.

It was a short walk to the Reg Lenna Civic Center.
When I was a kid (and lived on Chautauqua Lake) this was Dipson's Palace...a movie theatre.
It has obviously been restored and is positively gorgeous.
When we arrived, there were about 30 people already into a rhythm on the stage...a great sound with the superb acoustics.
We set ourselves up and joined in.... I'd say there were nearly 70 drummers.  The stage was packed with people from Cleveland, Erie, Buffalo and many other places.
This is Jim Donovan.  He was a founding member of Rusted Root and is now a full time instructor at St. Francis University in Pennsylvania.  He offers workshops all over the United States and Europe and really knows how to work any size group.  Very motivational and articulate.  "Rhythmic Motivation" is his thing.  It can be very powerful.

Here's are some short samples of what we were doing.  Don't forget to turn off my radio.

We did not get home until 1:30am!  Pretty late, but worth it.


  1. Very nice!!! Enjoyed the videos. Looks like a ton of fun. I can see why it is rhythmic motivation.

  2. Definitely worth it. It looks and sounds like everyone there had a great time too.

  3. Ohh Lorelei how I love your new blogskin! Pretty cool. And I must say my favorite is ..... let's hear it..... you know what I'm gonna say......yes! yes! yes! that little bit of gorgeousness at the top!!!! you did that just for me, didn't ya? come on, say the truth... ;-)

    i love Rusted Root and have one of their CD's. I love their music, so very different in sound than everything else out there. Sounded like a terrific way to spend the evening....

    Hope all is well friend,

  4. Home at 1.30 a.m. And you call me a social butterfly !!!!!!!!!

  5. Very fun! Are you going to drag yourself out of bed for chores in the morning?

  6. I could do with some renewal.

    Love the goldfish. Put some in our spring pond and they got huge and multiplied...until the blue herron found them.

    Glad you had a great time.

  7. Sounds and looks like the drumming was great!


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