Saturday, March 19, 2011


 An ok morning.  Chilly compared to the past couple of days.
 I don 't think we got out of the 30s.
Barb helped me with chores...all went well.  Spring makes me want to get more organized.
 The sheets went back on the ponies.
 Fed hay in one of the small pastures as it was nice and dry out there.  Not much grass yet.

 Now that the dogs had a haircut, they needed their coats on this morning.
 The wind has really helped to get rid of some of the mud...hopefully we won't get too much rain for awhile.

 Saddle pad washing time.  Have to get the led out and start riding.  Being Swedish, our colors are blue and deep yellow.
 The cats are not all that interested in being in the house now that the snow is gone. 
 Around 12:30, the pups figured out that I was leaving and took their pouting positions.

 Drumming at the college today.  I want to write down some of the rhythms so I can play them on my homemade drum.  Had to redo the sticks so they would stay together.
Khalid worked us pretty hard.  Always good to learn more and practice, practice, practice....
The video below is messed up at the beginning, but the drumming is pretty fine.

Naturally, the sun was out the whole time I was inside.
 Home around 4:30.  L'orange was sunbathing in the house and the ponies were doing the same on the south side of the barn.
 Terry, we were having another Colorado sky afternoon.

 Gary cut up some wood for the stove, and I started making dinner.
 Gucci was hoping it was for her.
 I sauteed a major load of onions and peppers, beat up 6 eggs, and threw it all into a pie plate.  Into the oven and topped with a little cheese during the last five minutes.
 A few homefries....
 Some toasted whole wheat Syrian Bread...and we were in business.
 Made a little side of apples, walnuts and yogurt.  Every once in awhile, I like to have breakfast for dinner.

By the time we finished eating, the big moon showed itself....

I was very impressed!
Night all.


  1. Awesome pictures Lori. Love the moon shots--Wow! You know I love the new header photo :)

  2. Love your supermoon photos! We only saw it for a moment before clouds got in the way. Love L'Orange sunning himself - I think I have a little crush on him. Glad you're drying out.

  3. I like breakfast for dinner sometimes too. Those pads are beautiful. Brett would love the colors -- he's Swedish, too...

  4. It is breakfast time here as I am reading this and now you have made me seriously hungry! The moon was stunning here as well last night!

  5. You want to get organized? I think you are always on top of things! :) The moon shots are awesome. The moon was too low and blocked by a lot of trees for me tonight (not that I can take a decent photo of it anyway). Thirties is what we had, but still with a lot of snow. Went to watch dog mushing today and posted a video if you are interested.

  6. I'm impressed...with the moon, the food and the drumming.

  7. Whata big. Great shots!

    Those pups are so cute. Love their "pouts."

  8. PS...the pups are awfully cute in their coats - showing off their new clips!

  9. Guess the world didn't end with that 'super moon' after all. hahaha Nice shots.

  10. My first visit here. we are in southeastern Mass.. LOVE all your pictures!

    happy day!


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