Sunday, March 6, 2011


It's March.  What can I say?  Grass one day....shoveling the next.
 So much for yesterday's sign of spring.
 It started snowing last night...wet and heavy.
 Phoebe and Gucci went out to the barn with me for awhile, but I ended up putting them in the house long before chores were finished.
 It was snowing and the wind was kicking up, so Mustafa went in the run-in and the rest of the crew had their hay in nets under the shed roof.
 Barb was helping as usual...every Saturday and Sunday morning.

 Sidney was the only kitty to join me.
 When I got back in the house, it was siesta time.

 The weather conditions were not great...the road was covered with snow.  I had to get gas for my car, dog food and cat food.  The pups and I carefully drove in to Brockport.  Within a mile there were two accidents.  By the time we got back home I decided to cancel drumming for today.

 Did not get the fire going until this afternoon.  We did a lot of shoveling first.
 A good time to hang out and read the Sunday paper.

I finally went out to do evening chores.  Look at what the ponies did!  They were wet from the snow and then rolled in the indoor.  Goody!  A nice coating of sand.

 Barb is going to be thrilled when she sees Mustafa's blanket.
 By the time I finished up with chores, the sun was setting and it was the most beautiful part of the day.

 Dinner?  Macaroni Salad.
 Corn salad.  Normally I would not make these two together, but I wanted to use some leftover corn.
Did you ever make corn salad?  I learned about it from a friend who lived in Paris.  Corn, onion, tomato, peppers (I did not have any), Swiss cheese and just a little Russian dressing.  Try it.  Crunchy! Delicious!  And different.
 and hot dogs with no junk in them!
The weekend has caught up with me and I am ready for a hot shower and crawling into bed.
Night all.


  1. Sorry to hear about the crazy snow and what were the horses thinking rolling around in that sand?!

  2. Goodnight! and thanks for sharing the pictures.
    It is good to know were not the only ones waiting for spring....


  3. I know you are tired of snow but it sure looks beautiful on the trees. That corn salad looks yummy too. I would love it - Brett not so much. He won't eat onions or tomatoes raw. Silly boy! Missing out on good stuff -

  4. The L'Orange header photo would make a lovely notecard.
    Those sunset photos are gorgeous! And corn salad - yum!

  5. Mmmm....I want to come over to your house to eat. Everything looks so good!

  6. I have a smile on my face while looking at your horses. Only because my horses look very similar. Except that they were not wearing their blankets. Silly things! I guess they feel their spring/summer coats coming in. Your sunset was a beauty. I just love the color in the photos.

  7. Phoebe and Gucci look so cute in their little sweaters with the snow particles hanging off them.

  8. Hopefully, if it's sand, it will all brush off easily when it dries. That's one thing I don't miss about having horses -- mud season in Spring and Fall.

    I'm definitely going to try that corn salad. It looks and sounds yummy, and has the benefit of being easy to make.

  9. Such a disappointment when winter makes its ugly return. Maybe things will warm up this week for you.

  10. Ack, what a long winter you're having! And those ponies--baaaaad. Baaaad. :)

  11. Same here with the March weather. We are supposed to get rain, ice, snow and icky stuff.

    In town today at the market we shrugged and said...It is March!

  12. Miserable ol' winter just won't let up. We received rain up the ying yang here snow with fingers crossed...had enough of that. That corn salad looks intriguing...always open to new salads.And those hotdogs ''mm''juicy! The sunset really helped I would think.


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