Sunday, February 27, 2011


 Didn't we have more snow last night??????
 Oh well!  At least it was light.
 Barb and I were out there doing chores and lovin' it.
 We had Colorado skies and it was melting before the get go.
 Chores went quickly....

 The sun made all the difference.  I even took off my jacket.
 Gary did some shoveling before he left for coffee.
 I could not stop taking pictures.

 Who knows what this will look like tomorrow when it hits the 40s.

 Barb checked out Mustafa before she left...
 and I started shoveling.  The pile of snow above is nearly 5 feet high.
 L'orange Marmalade stuck his tongue out at me.

When I got in the house I spent several hours putting a collage on a 55 gallon barrel that Gary cut for me.  It is my new bass drum.  Ha Ha!
 I took whatever was on hand and glued it to the barrel with that clear papier mache glop.
 Gary even made me some drum sticks out of dowels.  Tomorrow I will get some good decoupage glue and cover the whole thing a couple of times to make sure it sticks properly.
I attempted to catch a 30 minute nap, but got a phone call and it didn't happen.
 Out for evening chores at 5:30.  The light was so different from this morning.
 Got in by 6.  Fed the cats and dogs, took a shower and we went down to Apple Creek Farm for dinner.
 As per usual, there were many flowers.....

 Dinner was excellent.  A spinach salad.
 Stuffed shells and nice crusty rolls.
 Just what I wanted and so delish!
 Dessert was a chocolate "volcano" cake baked with chocolate pudding.
Louise always does a great job!

Home before 9.  Going to crawl under the covers and watch the Academy Awards for awhile.
Night all.


  1. Looking forward to "no jacket" weather. Dropped down here, again, to -18* this morning. I've stayed in today. Brrr! Enjoy your sunshine!

  2. The snow shots are so pretty but it causes a lot of work. The animals are all so cute and handsome and dinner scrumptious. What are stuffed shells?

  3. Love that picture of L'Orange with this tongue sticking out!

  4. Now, that's a day! Love the fence shots the best.

  5. Yesterday morning was so beautiful. I'm glad to see that you got to see the same beauty. Today? Meh, rain and just a bit of fog. Not nearly as pretty.

  6. Nice barrel ! Hope it sounds well !

  7. wow, busy day! The fresh snow looked so pretty, and the horses didn't seem to mind, but I'm sure you're ready for snow to stop. The collage drum looks interesting! what a fun dinner time!
    I left you a "Stylish Award" on my blog! I enjoy reading your stories on your blog! Brenda

  8. Dear Lori
    Oh wow...what a winter wonderland it is at the Skoog Farm!! I know you would love some sun shine and wish you some warm sunshine in the next few days! Once again...I just love your Header photograph! Dinner last night looked well as the chocolate 'volcano' dessert! Hmmm.....

  9. Gorgeous photos! Love your homemade drum - can't wait to hear what it sounds like.


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