Thursday, February 17, 2011


We hit 55 degrees today.

Did not have to drag out the hot water...the beet pulp was already in the barn.  A piece of cake.

No sooner did I take off the blankets, than it started to sprinkle.

I put Mustafa in the run-in for a little while so the rest of the ponies could stay under the shed roof.
Fortunately, that did not last very long and they were able to wander.

Just when I was going in the house, Gary showed up with Cooper.  He stayed home from school today and Jenny had to he spent the day with us.  Yesterday by 3 o'clock he had thrown up 5 times at the nurses office.  He brought along his ginger ale and was perfectly fine the whole time.

He asked if I would find so he could play some games on the computer.

I love the way he occupied himself all day.

It did not get into the 50s until after noon...but it sure was enough to melt 90% of the skating rink on the driveway.

 For a change...

Gary got Finn off the school bus, fed the dogs and picked up a pizza for dinner.

He had a 5:30 meeting so the boys went out to the barn with me to do evening chores.

While we were out there, Kevin arrived to pick them up.  I went back out to the barn after they left and brushed all the horses.  Miss Abbe rolled in the indoor after she got rained on and was a mess.

Time for a hot shower.  Night all.


  1. We got to 55 today too - but there's still a lot of ice and snow. Hoping it melts soon!

  2. Warm temps here in Virginia too and spring is really in the air! It certainly helps all of us to feel better and I'm glad that Cooper is feeling better too!! Have a good evening!

  3. So nice to see the horses without the blankets!

  4. We reached 50 degrees today. Tomorrow is predicted to be 28. We have still got a whole lot of snow. We'll see if March lives up to her reputation and brings us a bunch more!

    Very cute boys you have there.

  5. 55! That's wonderful!
    Glad Cooper's feeling better - don't catch it!

  6. Wow!! You were warmer than us!! Our high today was only 48 -- and snow is back in the forecast for the weekend. Did we trade locations??

  7. Abbe looks so cute...dirty or not.

  8. Nice horses. I am with you bring on the warmth. Your pics are great. B

  9. Its so nice to enjoy alittle bit of warm weather in February... we've been in the 60s and reached 70 the other day. Pretty horses.

  10. Dear lorie

    I thought of your and photography of horse to take good photos.

    Nice day
    Grace Olsson

  11. Can't believe your horses are already going without blankets! I am so glad you are enjoying warmer weather!

  12. Cooper and Finn are such cute guys. Glad you got some warm weather!


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